
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - ge-weorc

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. operative action, operation, II. working. (1) making of material objects :-- Hé þǽr hræde geweorce (citato opere) of treówe cyricean getimbrede, Bd. 2, 14; Sch. 170, 9. (1 a) with gen. of object :-- Figmenta, i. plasmatio hominum (cf. De figmento: de plasmatione hominis, Ld. Gl. H. 36, 164) geweorc, Wrt. Voc. ii. 35, 47. Geweorce (in renim visibilium) plaslica, An. Ox. 5222. Fram þæs temples geweorce tó Cristes ðrowunge from the building of the temple to the crucifixion, Angl. xi. 9, 31. Fram fremðe middangeardes oð Róme burhge geweorc, Angl. xi. 5, 19. Oþ þaes temples geweorc, 9, 17. (2) doing of operations :-- Sé þe Drihtne hýreð and hys willan wyrceð: wel him bæs geweorkes, Hy. 2, 11. Þurh his wundra geweorc through his doing miracles, Gú. 500. v. frumgeweorc. III. in a collective sense, work, doings :-- Woldon þa gigántas tóbrecan ðone heofon under him (Jove). Ðá sceolde hé sende lýgetu and windas and tówyrpan eall hira geweorc mid lacessenteis coelum gigantes benigna fortitudo deposuit, Bt. 35, 4; F. 162, 14. IV. workwork (with gen. of agene or tool)">a particular object">, labour, any form of long-sustained or habitual activity :-- Gýme gafolswán ꝥ hé æfter sticunge his slyhtswýn wel behweorfe, sæncge, ðonne bið hé ful wel gewyrces wyrðe, Ll. Th. i. 436, 17. Hwanon fiscere ancgel . . . ? nis hit of mínon geweorce ?, Coll. M. 30, 35. Ꝥ hí férdon on þæt geweorc þæs Godes wordes, Bd. l, 23; Sch. 50, l. v. ǽfen-, brycg-, ealu-, fasten-, land-, stán-, sulh-, tigel-(1), timber-, weall-(1), web-geweorc. IV a. a particular case of labour, labour for a particular object :-- Þis is þǽre bricce geweorc on Hrouecǽstre this is the work that has to be done on the bridge at Rochester, C. D. B. iii. 659, l. v. tigel-geweorc (2). IV b. workmanship :-- Ðǽr wæs cyrice geworht and getimbrad wundorlices geweorces (mirandi operis), Bd. 1, 7; Sch. 27, 7. Án gylden calic swíðe wundorlices geworces, Chr. 1058 ; P. 189, 20. V. a work, deed, action, v. gúþ-, níþ-, undern-, wuldor-, wundor-geweorc, VI. a work, what is made :-- Weblic gewurc textrinum opus, Hpt. Gl. 431, 4. Þá. micclan mǽrða, ꝥ syndan ðá geweorc þe Alexander hét gewyrcean magna insignia que Alexander operari jusserat, Nar. 33, 20. v. græft-, heáh-, ofer-geweorc. VI a. a (person's) work (with gen. of agene or tool) :-- Beaduscrúda betst, Wélandes geweorc, B. 455: Vald. 1, 2. Godes geweorc, Gen. 604. Énta geweorc, Wand. 87: Gn. C. 2. Giganta geweorc, B. 1562. Wundorsmiða geweorc, 1681. Carcernes duru, homra geweorc, Jul. 237. Eall his ágen geweorc Drihten bletsige benedicite Dominum omnia opera ejus. Ps. Th. 102, 21. His ciricean, his ágen geweorc (cf. hé hié mid his sylfes handum geworhte, 14), Bl. H. 197, 7. v. ǽr-, eald-, fyrn-, hand-geweorc. VI b. of buildings :-- Hí cwǽdan ꝥ ꝥ templ wǽre þrymlic geweorc, Bl. H. 77, 32. Wiðin-nan þám níwan geweorce, Hml. S. 21, 23. Ceastra, . . . weallstána geweorc, Gn. C. 3. v. súþ-, templ-, treów-geweorc. VI c. what is wrought, material prepared by labour :-- Templ of ísernum geweorcum and of ǽrenum geworht templum aereo et ferreo opere constructum, Nar. 37, 23. v. ál-, ár-, feþer-, flán-, gold-, stán-geweorc. ge-weorc

Verwandte Wörter: weall-geweorc, (2).
