
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - gén

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


ad iterum, denuo, adhuc, insuper, denique :-- Ðǽr he gén ligeþ there he still lies, Exon. 18 b; Th. 46, 9; Cri. 734. Swá he nú gén déþ as he still does, Beo. Th. 5711; B. 2589: Exon. 29 a; Th. 89, 17; Cri. 1458. Bidon ealle ðǽr tyn niht ðá gén all waited there yet ten nights, 15 b; Th. 34, 15; Cri. 542. Ðá gién wæs yrre God God was yet angry, Cd. 131; Th. 166, 1; Gen. 2741. Wæs Iustus ðá gén lifigende Iustus adhuc superstes, Bd. 2, 7; S. 509, 10. Ðæs gén to tácne is of that further is as proof, 6; S. 508, 42. Ic sceal forð sprecan gén ymb Grendel I shall go on to speak further about Grendel, Beo. Th, 4146; B. 2070: Exon. 96 b; Th. 360, 5; Wal. 1: Elen. Kmbl. 2434; El. 1218. Gién ðé sunu weorðeþ yet there shall be a son to thee, Cd. 100; Th. 132, 19; Gen. 2195. Gén ic ðé feores unnan wille yet will I grant thee life, Exon. 68 b; Th. 254, 3; Jul, 191, Ðá gén Abrahame eówde heáhcyning again the high king appeared to Abraham, Cd. 98; Th. 130, 23; Gen. 2164. Ðá gién seó fǽmne spræc then again spoke the woman, Exon. 71 b; Th. 267,19; Jul, 417. Geornor ðonne he gén dyde more eagerly than yet he had done, 67 a; Th. 249, 12; Jul. 110. Gén strengre is it is yet harder, 10 b; Th. 12, 28; Cri. 192: 95 b; Th. 357, 14; Pa. 28: 97 a; Th. 363, 8; Wal. 50. gen

Verwandte Wörter: Again, moreover, besides, at length, yet, hitherto;
