Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - gilpan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- gilpan
- Add: I. to boast. (l) absolute :-- Gelpd jactat, Kent. Gl. 1051. Gylpad gramhȳdige, þā þīn ēhtan gloriati sunt qui oderunt te, Ps. Th. 73, 4. Ne mōt nān preóst beón tō mōdig ne tō gilpende, Ll. Th. ii. 386, 10. (2) to boast of (gen), :-- Gif þū þæs gilpst, hū ne gilpst þū heora gōdes, næs þīnes?, Bt. 14, l; F. 42, 26. Geþenc be dǣm ge-byrdum, gif hwā þæs gilpþ (gelpd, ), 30, l ; F. 108, 19. Hē mordres gylped, B. 2055. Þā gealp hē and fægnode Godes fultumes, Ps. Th. 4, arg. Ðā hē ongeat dæt hié gulpun hiera fæstenes dum de abstinentiae virtute gloriantium praecepta perstringeret, Past. 313, l. (3) to glory in (inst.) :-- Līfe ne gielped, hlāfordes gifum, Rä. 59, 12. Þā hine wīg begeat, nealles folccyning fyrdgesteallum gylpan þorfte, B. 2874. Hē cwæd ꝥ hȳ gielpan ne þorftan dǣdum wid Dryhtnes meahtum, Gū. 210. (4) with prep. :-- Ðonne dæt mōd for his cræfta geearnunga gilpd and orsorglīce fægnad on him selfum UNCERTAINUNCERTAINm animus de virtutum meritis laeta apud se securitate gloriatur, Past. 463, 27. Tō þǣm tīdun þe ūs Rōmāne oþwītad and tō dǣre genihtsumnisse þe hié ūs ealneg fore giel-pad, ꝥ ūre ne sién dǣm gelīcan, Ors. 4, 7 ; S. 182, 16. Þæt sindon þā gōdan tīda þe hié ealneg fore gielpad, 5, I; S. 214, 4. Tō dǣm gōdan tīdan þe Rōmāne fore gulpon, S. 4, 18. Odde hē for his gōda mierringe gielpe (glorietur), Past. 149, 20. (5) with clause giving the boast :-- Þā wēnde hē þæt hit Godes āgen wǣre; and se deófles man gealp þæt hē eác swā wǣre, Wlfst. 99, 18. Hwæþer dū durre gilpan ꝥ heora fægernes þīn sié? num audes alicujus talium splendore gloriari? Bt. 14, I ; F. 40, 22. Gylpan ꝥ þū mæge Crīstes þegnas oferswīþan, Bl. H. 175, 32. (6) uncertain construction :-- Ne gilp dū ne innitaris (v. ? Prov. 3, 5), Wrt. Voc. ii. 62, 2. (7) with acc.? :-- Swā [ne] gylpan þearf Grendles māga [ǣnig] ūhthlem þone [the MS. is defective, but as Thorkelin's transcript gives b after swā perhaps begylpan may have been the original form : it is not found elsewhere however], B. 2006. II. to speak highly of (gen.), praise, applaud :-- Ic gilpe subplaudo, Wrt. Voc. i. 22, 29. Þā gylpaþ applaudunt, An. Ox. 4196. Gulpan, Wrt. Voc. ii. 85, 5 (this , and the preceding are glosses to Ald. 59, 5) : 3, 38 : 5, 33. Ðā welwillen-dan sint tō manianne dæt hié suā gielpan (gilpan, v. l.) hiera niéhstena dǣda sic proximorum facta diligendo laudent, Past. 229, 14. Gelpende subplaudans, Wrt. Voc. ii. 121, 46. v. for-gilpan. gilpan