Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - gleáwe
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- gleáwe
- ad I. with skill:--Hé is gleáwest úre gelǽred, and hé mæg þé ealle þá þinc gecýþan þe þú ús ácsost he is the best instructed of us, and he can tell you all the things you ask us, H. R. 11, 9. II. with prudence:--Guman . . . gleáwe beþuncan hyra hǽlo, Rä. 49, 7. III. in the metrical psalter the word occurs with a vaguely favourable meaning. Cf. gleáw; II. 4:--Mé þín se góda gást gleáwe lǽdde, þæt ic on rihtne weg férde, Ps. Th. 142, 11. Gé þe on Godes húse gleáwe standað and on cafertúnum Godes húses gearwe syndan qui statis in domo Domini, in atriis domus Dei nostri, 134, 2. Ic wát and can þæt þú mín God gleáwe wǽre agnovi quoniam Deus meus es tu, 54, 8. Eart þú edneówe, earne gelícast, on geogoðe nú gleáwe geworden, 102, 5. [Cf. Goth. glaggwaba (-uba) diligently, accurately.] gleawe