Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hád
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- m. I. person; persona :-- Ðú ne besceáwast nánes mannes hád non respicis personam hominum, Mt. Bos. 22, 16. Cyninges naman hæfde and wæs ðæs hádes well wyrþe regis nomine ac persona dignissimus, Bd. 3, 21; S. 550, 40, MS. B. Weorþian wé ða cláþas his hádes let us honour the clothes of his person, Blickl. Homl. 11, 9. Hé wæs on ánum háde twegra gecynda he was of two natures in one person, 33, 33. On þrým hádum efnespédelícum in tribus personis consubstantialibus, Bd. 4, 17; S. 585, 38 : Homl. Th. ii. 42, 26. Þrý hádas synd worda. Se forma hád is ðe sprecþ be him sylfum ána . . . Se óðer hád ðe se forma sprecþ tó ... Se þridda hád is be ðam ðe se forma hád sprecþ tó ðam óðrum háde there are three persons of verbs. The first person is he who speaks about himself alone . . . The second person is he whom the first speaks to . . . The third person is he about whom the first person speaks to the second person, Ælfc. Gr. 22; Som. 23, 49-53. Hád ðæt is persona, 15; Som. 17, 30. II. sex :-- Gewuldrad is se heánra hád the humbler sex is glorifed, Exon. 9 a; Th. 7, 10; Cri. 99. Óðre monige ǽghwæðeres hádes alii utriusque sexus, Bd. 1, 7; S. 479, 12. Ǽlcere yldo and háde omni ætati et sexui, 1, 1; S. 473, 22. Ðæt hé ne forðon wíflíce háde árede ut ne sexui quidem miliebri parceret, 2, 20; S. 521, 25. III. degree, rank, order, condition :-- Hád gradus, Ælfc. Gr. 11; Som. 15, 17. Gehwylces hádes menn men of every degree, Blickl. Homl. 47, 34 : L. Ecg. C. 32; Th. ii. 156, 19. Sundor ánra gehwilc herige in háde let each one separately praise thee in their degree, Cd. 192; Th. 239, 16; Dan. 371 : 28; Dan. 377 : Th. 240, 27; Dan. 393. Fore ǽlcum háde ciricelíca pro omni gradu æcclesiastico, Rtl. 175, 25 : 193. 37. Wer on lǽwedum háde vir in laico habitu, Bd. 5, 13; S. 632, 7 : 4, 11; S. 579, 19. Hé on lǽwedum háde beón sceolde he had to lead the life of a layman, Blickl. Homl. 213, 9. Heárra on háde higher in rank, L. Eth. 6, 52; Th. i. 328, 14. Þurh háligne hád gecýðed made known by clerks, Exon. 34 a; Th. 107, 27; Gú. 65. Seofon hádas syndon gesette on bócum tó Godes þénungum intó Godes circan seven orders are appointed in books for God's ministries in God's church, L. Ælfc. P. 34; Th. ii. 378, 1 : L. Ælfc. C. 10; Th. ii. 346, 25. Monige sindon hádas under heofenum many are the conditions under the heavens, Exon. 33 a; Th. 104, 3; Gú. 2. Biscopes oððe óðera háda episcopi vel reliquorum ordinum, Bd. 2, 5; S. 506, 30. Wiotan ǽgðer ge godcundra háda ge woruldcundra wise men both clerks and laymen, Past. Pref. Swt. 3, 3. Bútan hálgum hádum extra sacros ordines, Bd. 1, 27; S. 489, 16. Mid myclum hádum biscopas and cyningas those of high degree, as bishops and kings, Blickl. Homl. 109, 23 : Homl. Th. ii. 122, 27. Swá wé settaþ be eallum hádum ge ceorle ge eorle so we ordain for all degrees both gentle and simple, L. Alf. pol. 4; Th. i. 64, 3. Dám ðe heora hádas mid clǽnnesse healdan to those who keep their orders with purity, Blickl. Homl. 43. 4. Gemǽnes hádes man clericus, L. Ecg. P. 2, 24; Th. ii. 192, 8 : 16; Th. ii. 156, 31. Tó háde fón to take orders, 4, 8; Th. ii. 206, 7. IV. state, condition, kind, nature, form [having the meaning which is preserved in the suffix -hood, -head] :-- Leóht hafaþ hád háliges gástes light hath the nature of the holy spirit, Salm. Kmbl. 817; Sal. 408. Se heáþrym ðæs Godes hádes the excellent glory of the Godhead, Blickl. Homl. 131, 18. Onsýn yldran hádes the aspect of an older state [a more advanced age], Exon. 40 a; Th. 132, 12; Gú. 471. Wæs se súþduru hwæthwega háde máre the south door was somewhat greater in form, Blickl. Homl. 201, 15. On weres háde in the form of a man, Elen. Kmbl. 144; El. 72. Onwendan heora wuldor on ðæne wyrsan hád hǽðenstyrces mutaverunt gloriam suam in similitudinem vituli, Ps. Th. 105, 17. Hád oferhogedon hálgan lífes they despised the state of a holy life, Cd. 188; Th. 235, 2; Dan. 300. Fǽmnan hád virginity, Exon. 9 a; Th. 6, 31; Cri. 92 : 14 a; Th. 28, 10; Cri. 444. Cildes hád, Exon. 65 a; Th. 240, 15; Ph. 639 : 61 a; Th. 224, 7; Ph. 372. Þurh cnihtes hád onsýne wearþ he became visible in the form of a youth, Andr. Kmbl. 1824; An. 914. Hæleþa leófost on gesíþes hád dearest of men as a comrade, Beo. Th. 2598; B. 1297. Næs sinc-máððum sélra on sweordes hád there was no better treasure among swords, 4393; B. 2193. Þurh hǽstne hád by violence, Beo.Th. 2674; B. 1335 : Exon. 8 b; Th. 4, 7; Cri. 49. Þurh monigne hád in many a form, 54 b; Th. 191, 34. Blis manigra háda cwicera cynna the joy of many kinds of living creatures, Menol. Fox 182; Men. 92 : Exon. 33 a; Th. 105, 15; Gú. 23. [Laym. hád, hód : Orm. hád : A. R. hód : Ayenb. hód : Goth. haidus manner, way : O. Sax. héd : Icel. heiðr honour: O. H. Ger. heit persona, sexus, ordo, gradus.] -had,had