Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hál-wende
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- hál-wende
- adj. Conducive to health, salutary, healing, wholesome :-- Ðes hálwenda hic saluber, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 18; Som. 9, 64. Ðín word is hálwende thy word is salutary, Ps. Th. 118, 103. Hálwoende ðín salutare tuum, Lk. Skt. Lind. 2, 30. Se middangeard wæs mannum hálwende the earth was healthful for men, Blickl. Homl. 115, 8: 209, 10. Ðisse sylfan wyrte sǽd on wíne gedruncen is hálwende ongeán áttres drync the seed of this same plant is wholesome against a draught of poison, Herb. 142, 6; Lchdm. i. 264, 13: 157, 2; Lchdm. i. 284, 10. Hit is háluwende bóte it is a healing remedy, 374, 24. Wé mágon eów sellan hálwende geþeahte hwæt gé dón mágon possumus salubre vobis dare consilium quid agere valeatis, Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 14. Seó tunge ðe swá monig hálwende word gesette illa lingua quæ tot salutaria verba composuerat, 4, 24; S. 599, 11. Háte baþu ðe wǽron hálwende gecwedene ádligendum líchaman hot baths that were said to be salutary for diseased bodies, Homl. Th. i. 86, 21. Ða hálwendan men the men who taught a saving faith, the disciples, Blickl. Homl. 117, 8. Swá se lǽcedóm yldra byþ swá hé hálwendra byþ the older the medicine is the more healing it is, Herb. 130, 3; Lchdm. i. 242, 5. halwende,hal-wende