
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hálgian

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. to make holy, sanctify :-- Hálgig l hálga ðú (gehálga, W. S., R.) hiá . . . Fore him ic hálgiga (hálgige, W. S., gihálgo, R.) mec seolfne sanctifica eos . . . pro eis ego sanctifico me ipsum, Jn. L. 17, 17-19. II .to consecrate, set apart as sacred to God, dedicate to a religious office or use :-- On þissum geáre man hálgode þet mynster æt Westmynster . . . hine man bebyrgede innan þǽre níwan hálgodre circean on Westmynstre, Chr. 1066; P. 195, 3-197, 2. Ciricean hálgian, Bl. H. 205, 24. II a. to consecrate a person to an office :-- Þeodorus biscop hine hálgode, Chr. 670; P. 35, 17. Þís ilcan geáre man gehálgode Tatwine tó arcebiscop . . . hine hálgodan Daniel and Ingwold . . . and Aldwine . . . and Aldulf, 731; P. 45, 8. Hine man hálgode tó cinge, Ll. Lbmn. 214, 25. II b. to bless a thing so that it possesses special virtue :-- Þú sunnandæg sylf hálgodest and gemǽrsodest hine manegum tó helpe, Hy. 9, 25. Gif hwá ordáles weddige þonne cume hé . . . tó þǽm mæssepreóste þe hit hálgian scyle, Ll. Th. i. 210, 27. Háligende exorcizans (vir Deo deditus liquidas fontium limphas exorcizans et sacrae benedictionis ubertate foecundans, Ald. 37, 30), Wrt. Voc. ii. 80, 42. Hálgiende, 31, 11. II b β. to consecrate the Eucharistic elements :-- Swá oft swá man húsel hálgað, Ll. Th. i. 360, 33. III. to honour as holy :-- Hy. 5, 2 (in Dict.). IV. to keep a day holy, Bl. H. 37, 32 (in Dict.).

Verwandte Wörter: ge-hálgian, un-hálgod. halgian
