Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hálig-dóm
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- hálig-dóm
- m. I. holiness, sanctity; sanctimonia :-- Háligdóm sanctimonia, Rtl. l00, 11. Mycel is se háligdóm and seó weorþung sancte Iohannes great is the sanctity and worthiness of St. John, Blickl. Homl. 167, 16. Búton ða heánesse ðæs háligdómes nisi excellentia sanctitatis, Past. 18, 3; Swt. 133, 14: 57; Swt. 439, 23. II. holy things, relics, holy work, a sacrament :-- Háligdóm sacramentum, Mk. Skt. p. 5, 11. On ðone Drihten ðe ðes háligdóm is fore hálig by the Lord, before whom these relics are holy, L. O. 1; Th. i. 178, 3, 12. Wé sceolon on ðissum dagum fyligan úrum háligdóme út and inn on these days we ought to follow our relics out and in, Homl. Th. i. 246, 28. Ðæt hig bereáfodan æt háligdome and æt eallon þingan they plundered the monastery of the relics and of every thing, Chr. 1055; Erl. 188, 40. On ðam háligdóme swerian to swear on the relics, L. Eth. 3, 2; Th. i. 292; 14: Th. Chart. 610, 31: Chr. 1131; Erl. 260, 10. Ðýlæs ǽnig unclǽnsod dorste on swá micelne háligdóm fón ðære clænan ðegnenga ðæs sacerd hádes ne aut non purgatus adire quisque sacra ministeria audeat, Past. 7, 1; Swt. 51, 1. Tó háligdóm dínre gesibsumnesse tó ásend ad sacramentum tuæ reconciliationis admitte, Lye. Þurh hálgum háligdóm Drihtnes líchaman and blódes per sacrosanctum sacramentum Domini corporis ac sanguinis, Lye. Háligdóm and hálige béc handligan reliquias et sacros libros manu tractare, L. Ecg. P. 3, 4; Th. ii. 196, 27: 12; Th. ii. 200, 7. Háligdóm and hádas and gehálgode Godes hús man sceal weorþian georne holy things and holy orders and the hallowed houses of God must be zealously honoured, L. Eth. 7, 28; Th. i. 336, 1: 24, Th. i. 334, 23: L. E. B. 1; Th. ii. 240, 9. Wé lǽraþ ðæt ealle ða þingc ðe weofode neáh beón, and tó cirican gebyrian, beón swíðe clǽnelíce and wurþlíce behworfene, and dǽr ǽnig þingc fúles neáh ne cume; ac gelogige man ðone háligdóm swíðe árwurþlíce we enjoin, that all the things which are near the altar, and belong to the church, be very cleanly and worthily appointed, and where nothing foul may come near them; but let the holy things be very reverently arranged, L. Edg. C. 42; Th. ii. 252, 23-6. Þurh ealne ðane háligdóm ðe ic on Róme for mé and for ealne þeódscype gesóhte by all the relics that I sought out in Rome for myself and for all the nation, Th. Chart. I17, 10. III. a holy place, sanctuary :-- Ðínne háligdóm sanctuarum tuum, Ps. Lamb. 73, 7. Hé getimbrade his háligdóm ædificavit sanctificium suum, 77, 69. Tó ðæs háligdómes dura to the door of the sanctuary, Ex. 21, 6. Tóweard ðam háligdóme toward the sanctuary, Chr. 1083; Erl. 217, 20. Án is mid ðæs kynges háligdóme, óðer is mid Leófríce eorle and ðæt þridde is mid ðam bisceop one [of the writings] is in the king's sanctuary, a second is with earl Leofric, and the third is with the bishop, Th. Chart. 372, 29: 541, 25: 571, 20. [Laym. halidom relic: Orm. haliȝdom holiness; pl. sacred things: Icel. helgir dómar relics; helgidómr a sanctuary: O. H. Ger. heiligtuom sacramentum, sanctuarium: Ger. heiligthum sacred thing, relic, sanctuary.] halig-dom