
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hám-sócn

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


f. Attack on a man's house; also the fine paid for such a breach of the peace. The following passage will illustrate the character of the offence :-- ' Hamsocna, quod domus invasionem Latine sonat, fit pluribus modis, extrinsecus vel et intrinsecus accidenciis. Hamsocna est, si quis alium in sua vel alterius domo cum haraido assaliaverit vel persequatur, ut portam vel domum sagittet vel lapidet vel colpum ostensibilem undecunque faciat. Hamsocna est, vel hamfare, si quis premeditate ad domum eat, ubi hostem suum esse scit, et ibi eum invadat, si die vel nocte hoc faciat; et qui aliquem in molinum vel ovile fugientem prosequitur, hamsocna judicatur. Si in curia vel domo, sedicione orta, bellum eciam subsequatur, et quivis alium fugientem in aliam domum infuget, si ibi duo tecta sint, hamsocna reputetur,' L. H. 80, 10, 11; Th. i. 587, 14-25. Other passages in the earlier laws and charters are :-- Wé cwǽdon be hámsócnum seðe hit ofer ðis dó ðæt hé þolige ealles ðæs ðe áge and sí on cyninges dóme hwæðer hé líf áge we have ordained respecting 'ham-socns' that he who shall commit it after this forfeit all that he owns, and that it be in the king's judgment whether he have his life, L. Edm. S. 6; Th. i. 250, 9: L. Eth. 4, 4; Th. i. 301, 18. Ðis syndon ða gerihta ðe se cyning áh ofer ealle men on Wesseaxan ðæt is hámsócne these are the rights which the king has over all men in Wessex that is [the fines for] 'ham-socn,' L. C. S. 12; Th. i. 382, 13, see the note: 15; Th. i. 384, 6: Th. Chart. 333, 32: 359, 4: 369, 14. Gif hwá hámsócne gewyrce gebéte ðæt mid fíf pundan ðam cyningce if any one commit 'ham-socn,' let him pay a fine of five pounds to the king, 63; Th. i. 408, 27. [Scot. hame-sucken the crime of beating or assaulting a person within his own house: Icel. heim-sókn an inroad or attack on one's home: O. Frs. ham-, hem-sekenge attack on one's house.] to seek with a hostile intent. ham-socn

Verwandte Wörter: sécan, in its sense of
