Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hamer
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- hamer
- Add: I. a hammer used for beating, breaking, &c., a workman's hammer :-- Hamer malleus, Wrt. Voc. i. 287, 1. Slecg, hamur, ii. 57, 78. Beátendes hameres stíþnes tundentis mallei durities, An. Ox. 481. Mín (a key's) heáfod is homere geþuren, sworfen feóle, Rä. 87, 1. Þeáh ðǽra manna ǽghwylc hæfde ǽnne hamor on handa, and þeáh man . . . mid þám hameron beóte on þæt ísene þell . . . ne áwacode hé nǽfre for eallum þissum, tó ðám wérig hé wǽre, Wlfst. 147, 3-8. Hameras sleánde mallei percutientes, Scint. 171, 14. Wé þæt deór uneáþe mid ísernum hamerum and slecgum (malleis) ofbeóton, Nar. 21, 5. II. a hammer used by the master of the rowers to give signals for the stroke; portisculus, porticulus :-- Hamere portisculo (crepante naucleri portisculo, Ald. 3, 3), Wrt. Voc. ii. 75, 12. Hamure porticulo, An. Ox. 7, 13 : 8, 7. Hamele, 1, 33 : 3, 22. (All these are glosses to the same passage.)