
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hand-cræft

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


m. Skill or power of the hand, handicraft :-- Ðes lama wædla búton handcræfte Godes beboda gefylde this paralytic pauper without the use of his hands fulfilled God's commands, Homl. Th. ii. 98, 17. Mid his handcræfte with his manual skill [in tent-making], i. 392, 16. Wé lǽraþ ðæt preósta gehwilc tó-eácan láre leornige handcræft georne we enjoin that every priest besides book-learning diligently learn a handicraft, L. Edg. C. 11; Th. ii. 246, 17. Eác him gerísaþ handcræftas góde ðæt man on his híréde cræftas begange good handicrafts are also befitting him, that crafts may be practised in his household, L. I. P. 8; Th. ii. 314, 23. [O. Sax. hand-kraft strength, power of hand.] hand-cræft