
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hangian

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. of the position taken by a body under the action of gravity when supported only from above :-- Ic (a horn) hongige wlitig on wáge, Rä. 15, 11. Him ne hangað nacod sweord ofer þám heáfde be smalan þrǽde, Bt. 29, 1; F. 102, 27. Hangaþ þǽr leóhtfæt, Bl. H. 227, 28. Wearþ hé gefæstnod be þǽre swíþran handa tó þǽre bǽre ꝥ hé hangode tó eorþan (he hung by his right hand without being able to reach the ground with his feet), 151, 19. Wǽron wit twégen on ánum olfende, and wit unc simble ondréden hwonne wit sceoldon feallan of þám olfende, and miccle má wit hangodan be þám olfende þonne wit þǽron sǽton, Shrn. 38, 17. On ðǽm clife hangodon on ðǽm ísgean bearwum manige sáula be heora handum gebundne . . . and þonne ðá twigo forburston þonne gewitan þá sáula niþer þá þe on ðǽm twigum hangodan, Bl. H. 209, 34-211, 4. On ðæs sácerdes hrægle scolde hangigan bellan, Past. 95, 3. On þǽre-sculon hangian ðá feówer hringas, 171, 3. Ic on wáge geseah wlitig hangian eald sweord, B. 1662. I a. of persons, to be suspended on a gallows or cross : -- His sunu hangað hrefne tó hróðre, B. 2447. For hwon áhénge þú mé hefgor on þínra honda róde þonne iú hongade?, Cri. 1489: 1457. Wearh sceal hangian, fægere ongildan ꝥ hé ǽr fácen dyde manna cynne, Gn. C. 55. Hongende crucifixum, Lk. p. 11, 8. II. to be attached, hold fast :-- þá spácan sticaþ, óþer ende on þǽre felge . . . Ðá felga hangiaþ on þám spácan, ðeáh hí eallunga wealowigen on þǽre eorðan . . . þá felga ne magon bión on þám færelde, gif hí ne bióþ fæste on þám spácum, Bt. 39, 7; F. 222, 7-20. III. to remain suspended without visible support, float in the air: -- Gif him fore wolcen hangað, Met. 5, 4. Tódríf þone mist ðe nú hangaþ beforan úres módes eágum, Bt. 33, 4; F. 132, 32. Hangode, Met. 20, 266. IV. to have the top bending beyond the lower part, to lean over: -- Ofer þǽm mere hongiað bearwas, wudu wæter oferhelmað, B. 1363. V. to hang on, cling to, be unwilling to abandon :-- Hangaþ úre mód ealne weg on þǽm þe wé æfter spyriaþ, Bt. 35, 5; F. 166, 14. Ne þurfon gé nó hongian on ðám anwealde, ne him æfter þringan; gif gé wíse bíþ hé wile folgian eów þeáh gé his nó ne wilnian, 16, 1; F. 50, 29. VI. to rest for authority on, depend on :-- In ðissum twǽm bebodum ealle ae hongað (stondes l honges, L.) and witga in his duobus mandatis universa lex pendet et prophetae. Mt. R. 22, 40.

Verwandte Wörter: á-, ge-hangian. hangian
