Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - heá-líc
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- heá-líc
- adj. High, elevated, lofty, sublime, proud, chief, very great, noble, distinguished, deep, profound :-- Nán gereord nis swá heálíc swá Ebréise no language is so noble as Hebrew, Homl. Th. ii. 86, 28. Abram ðæt is heálíc fæder Abram, that is, great father, i. 92, 13. Leóht swilce heálíc sunnbeám a light like a splendid sunbeam, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 100, 152. Swíðe heálic nama a name of great distinction, Blickl. Homl. 167, 31: L. E. I. 40; Th. ii. 438, 11. Is án ðæra eahta winda aquilo geháten se blǽwþ heálíc and ceald one of the eight winds is called aquilo; it blows high and cold, Lchdm. iii. 276, 5. Heálíc on his weorcum actione præcipuus, Past. 12; Swt. 75, 8. Gebletsod ys Abram ðam heálícan Gode ... and gebletsod ys se heálíca God blessed be Abram of the most high God ... and blessed be the most high God, Gen. 14, 19, 20. Nis nán leahter swá heálíc ðæt man ne mǽge gebétan there is no crime so deep that it may not be expiated, Homl. Th. ii. 602, 20. Hé næs ácweald þurh ðam heálícan fylle he was not killed by the fall from such a height, 300, 20. Mid heálícum gedwylde through profound error, 506, 27. On heálícum gemóte in a principal meeting, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 67, 348. Ðæt lengtenfæsten mon sceal mid swíðe heálícre gýmene healdan the fast of Lent ought to be kept with the very greatest care, L. E. I. 37; Th. ii. 436, 5. Heálíc þingc ðú ðǽrmid ongitst thereupon thou wilt observe a remarkable thing, Herb. 57, 2; Lchdm. i. 160, 1. Swá heálícne dem his ágnes hryres alta ruinæ suæ damna, Past. 58, 2; Swt. 441, 26. Hafaþ heálíce stefne hath an excellent voice, Exon. 79 b; Th. 298, 31; Crä . 93. Heálíce bodan archangels, Homl. Th. i. 342, 26: L. Eth. vii. 2; Th. i. 330, 6. Gif hie hwæt suá heálícra yfela on him ongieten if they perceive any very great evil in them; si qua valde sunt eorum prava, Past. 28, 5; Swt. 197, 6. On heálícum muntum on lofty hills, Homl. Th. ii. 160, 29. Wé lǽraþ ðæt man wið heálíce synna scylde swýðe georne we instruct people to guard very diligently against very great sins, L. C. E. 23; Th. i. 374, 6. Heálíce gegaderunga legitima conjugia, L. Ecg. C. 28; Th. ii. 152, 35. Spræc heálig word wið drihten sínne spoke proud words against his lord, Cd. 15; Th. 19, 21; Gen. 294, Ǽlc sáwul sý underþeód heálícrum anwealdum let every soul be subjected to the higher powers, Homl. Th. ii. 362, 17. Se is heálicost seðe ðone martyrdóm æfter Gode ástealde he is most exalted who was the first ,martyr after God, i. 50, 1. Ða recceras scoldon þencean ymb ðæt hélícuste and ða underþióddan scoldon dón ðæt unweorðlícre a subditis inferiora gerenda suet, a Rectoribus summa cogitanda, Past. 18, 3; Swt. 131, 19. hea-lic,healic