Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - heáf
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- heáf
- Add :-- Wearð micel morcnung and ormǽte wóp, swá ꝥ se heáf swégde geond ealle þá ceastre . . . þá cwæð hé : 'Sege mé for hwilcum intingum þeós ceaster wunige on swá micclum heáfe and wópe,' Ap. Th. 6, 8-20: Exod. 35. Nales þæt heáfe bewindeð, ne húru wæl wépeð wulf se grǽga not heard were his howls about that, nor cared the grey wolf for the carnage, Gn. Ex. 150. Byrnende for þám heáfe þǽre ásteópnesse orbitatis luctu aestuans, UNCERTAIN Gr. D. 164, 12. Þú scealt þurh wóp and heáf cennan, þurh sár micel in dolore paries, Gen. 923. Heáf in helle habban, Gú. 588 : Sal. 467. Helle heáfas, Gen. 38. heaf