
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - heáh-nes

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. in a physical sense. (1) height :-- Ǽr þon þe seó heáhnes (altitudo) þæs wealles gefylled wǽre, Bd. 2, 14; Sch. 170, 19. Egeslicere heáhnysse (heánnesse, Wrt. Voc. ii. 85, 48) (turrem) minaci proceritate, An. Ox. 4436. Þá triówa heánnisse ic wundrade, Nar. 28, 1. (2) depth :-- Ne hæfdon heánisse eorðes, Mt. L. R. 13, 5. Heónisse, Mk. R. 4, 5. (3) a height, high place, high part, top :-- Ord, cnol, heánes apicem (and cf. apex, cacumen litere, 72, 6), Wrt. Voc. ii. 73, 74. Heánnes þǽre heáfodpannan cacumen capitalis, 22, 52. Under haehnisse (heánes, 77, 73) sub cono (sublimi verticis [arboris]), 121, 65. Heánnesse caucumine (collis, v. Ald. 21, 36), 22, 1. On heáhnysse in edito, An. Ox. 2458. Fleógan on ðá heáhnesse (in altum), Bt. 36, 1 ; F. 172, 33. On heáhnise in conum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 82, 45. Oð ðæs heáfdes heánnesse (heánesse, lxxii, 13) usque ad uerticem, Lch. i. lxxiv, 36. On hégnessum in altum, An. Ox. 1559. Hergað Dryhten in heánissum, Ps. Srt. 148, 1. (4) a deep place or part: -- Lǽd on heánise duc in altum, Lk. L. 5, 4. II. non-physical. (1) of persons or their attributes, loftiness of rank or character, high rank or quality, majesty, dignity :-- On heálicere héhnysse l geþinþe geuferede edito (uirginitatis) fastigio sublimati, An. Ox. 930. On heálicere démendre héhnysse l geþinhþe in alto tribunalis culmine, 3456. Þá won wyrd on unrihtwísra anwealda heánesse, Bt. 5, 1; F. 10, 21. Æfter heáhnysse l heánnysse þínre secundum altitudinem tuam, Ps. L. 11. 9. Ne wællað gié in heánnise (heónisse, R.) genime nolite in sublime tolli, Lk. L. 12, 29. (2) a position of dignity or supremacy :-- Ðæt mynster on eallum Norðscottum ealldordóm and heánnesse onféng (ealdordóm onféng mid heánessum, v. l.) monasterium in cunctis septentrionalium Scottorum monasteriis arcem tenebat, regendisque eorum populis praeerat, Bd. 3, 3 ; Sch. 201, 20. (3) exaltation of mind, elevation beyond ordinary conditions :-- In módes heáhnnesse in extasi (figuram vidit, Ald. 152, 23), Wrt. Voc. ii. 91, 16. heah-nes

Verwandte Wörter: Lk. 16, 17,
