
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - healh

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. a corner, an angle, duplex semper est in angulis paries, Past. 245, 13. Gemétte hé hine hleonian on þám hale his cyrcan wið þám weófode invenit eum recumbentem in angulo oratorii sui contra altare, Guth. Gr. 163, 50. Hé gefeall him in ánan heale and . . . slǽp, Vis. Lfc. 37. II. a retired or secret place, cave, closet, recess :-- Oð ðá ýtemestan helle heala[s?] to the most remote of hell's recesses; ad inferni nouissima, Ps. L. fol. 193 a, 5. Swá hwelp leóna eardiende on halum (in abditis), Ps. Spl. 16, 13. On þýstrum healum (scræfum, Dóm. L. 139) þissere worulde tenebrosis in antris, Wlfst. 138, 1. Healum cubilibus, Germ. 402, 54. III. a bay: -- Strénæs hale (alch, halch, v. ll.) quod interpretatur sinus fari, Txts. 140, 210. Streánes halh, 200. In streánæs halæ (hele, hale, v. ll.), 147, 378. IV. the word occurs not infrequently in the charters, and in the single instance where it appears to be explained it seems to mean a stony slope: In quoddam petrosum clivum et ex eo Baldwines healh appellatur, Txts. 427, 8. (1) qualified by an adj. :-- On þone sídan healh; of þám sídan heale á be þám héhhylte, C. D. B. iii. 517, 36. (2) with gen., or as second part of a compound. (a) gen. of person :-- Æt Iddes hale, C. D. i. 315, 22. On Oddan heal; of Oddan heale, v. 270, 8. On Beocces heal, vi. 94, 15. In Puttan ealh, C. D. iii. 383, 20. (b) compounded with names of animals :-- On nédderheal; of nédderheale, C. D. v. 270, 11 : 281, 33. On calfhealas, iii. 385, 31. On horshealgæt, vi. 94, 14. (c) gen. or cpd. of plant-growth :-- On bærheal, of bærheale, C. D. B. ii. 247, 7. Tó hǽðfeldheale, C. D. iii. 131, 8. On braccon heal; of brachan heale, C. D. v. 277, 17. Tó rischeale ; of hrischeale, iii. 79, 9. On hrischalh; of hrischalh, 460, 15. Tó ceaggon heale, v. 262, 8. On brómhalas; of brómhalan, iii. 81, 27. v. wír-heálh. (d) gen. of thing, or uncertain :-- Tó cuntan heale, C. D. B. ii. 246, 33. Innan crypeles heale, 374, 12. On farsthalh; of forsthalh, C. D. iii. 460, 18. On bioton halh; of bioton hale, 24. Tó curdan heale, v. 207, 33. On stenges healh, of stenges heale, C. D. B. iii. 49, 28. On scæccan halh, C. D. iii. 463, 14. Innan cucan healas, 450, 3. Andlang bróces on swyllan healas; of ðan healan, vi. 2, 12. ¶ the word occurs also as the first part of compounds :-- On halhford, C. D. iii. 439, 4: 442, 31. Ond long healhtúnes gemǽres, 436, 27. Æt healhtúne, 294, 21. Æt healtúne, vi. 184, 14: 198, 1. Andlang eá tó healhwere, v. 392, 33. Of ðǽre syrfan tó healwícum, 262, 14. [v. N. E. D. hale a corner.] healh

Verwandte Wörter: healhiht :-- Ǽlc wág bið gebiéged twiefeald on ðǽm heale
