Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - heall
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- heall
- Add: I. a large room forming part of the residence of a great man, in which the social, public life of the household is carried on :-- Hús domus, heall aulea, cavertún vestibulum, Wrt. Voc. i. 289, 82 : ii. 8, 66. Hwearf þá tó healle . . . þæt hé ofer his ealdre gestód, ábeád for þǽre duguðe deóp ǽrende, Az. 166. Swá swá ǽlces cynges háma ; beóð sume on búre, sume on healle, sume on ódene, Solil. H. 44, 19. Cyning sceal on healle beágas dǽlan (cf. B. 1020 sqq. ), Gn. C. 28: Rä. UNCERTAIN 56, 13. 'Miht þú mé árǽran on Rómánisce wísan cynelice gebytlu ? . . . Hé cwæð ꝥ hé wolde wyrcan þá healle . . . and þá óþre gebytlu bæftan UNCERTAIN þǽre healle . . . twelf hús tógædere, Hml. S. 36, 91-99. I a. as the place for meals :-- Swylc þú æt swǽsendum sitte mid ðinum ealdormannum and þegnum on wintertíde, and sié fýr onǽled and þín heall gewyrmed (calido effecto cenaculo), Bd. 2, 13 ; Sch. 165, 18. Wæs þeós medoheal dreórfáh, UNCERTAIN eal bencþelu blóde bestýmed, heall heorudreóre, B. 487. Healle cenaculi, An. Ox. 5251. Tó healle gang Healfdenes sunu, wolde self cyning symbel UNCERTAIN þicgan, B. 1009. Wé on bence . . . hæleð on healle, By. 214: Dan. 729. I b. as a sleeping-place for the retinue, the lord having his separate apartment (cf. Hróðgár gewát út of healle . . . wolde sécan cwén tó gebeddan, B. 663. Hróðgár gewát tó hofe sínum rice tó ræste, 1236. Wæs tó búre Beówulf fetod, 1310) :-- Sigon tó slǽpe . . . þá wæs on healle heardecg UNCERTAIN togen sweord, B. 1288. II. a residence, habitation of a great man, palace :-- Þisse healle hornas ne byrnað, Fin. 4: 20. Hé sæt ætforan þǽre healle dura (beforan þǽre healle, ) residens ante palatium, Bd. 2, 12 ; Sch. 155, 11. Manege scíran wurdon gedrehte þurh þæs cynges healle geweorc (through work at the king's hall) þe man on Westmynstre worhte (cf. se cyng . . . his híred innan his níwan gebyttlan æt Westmynstre heóld, 1099; P. 234, 34), Chr. 1097; P. 234, 8. Waes hé tó þǽre fæderlican healle gelǽdd and þǽr gefédd auleis in paternis imbuebatur, Guth. Gr. 107, 20. Ðé is leófre on ðissum wácum scræfum ðonne ðú on healle heálic biscop sitte (Bede's Latin is: Tui claustra deserti huic gradui (the episcopal) praefers), Hml. Th. ii. 146, 28. Úre Scyppend . . . his gecorenan on þisum middanearde geágnað swá swá hláford his híred on his healle, 72, 29. Þá eóde heó (queen Alexandria) on hire palatium, ꝥ is on hire healle, Shrn. 75, 25: An. Ox. 4368. Ásettan healle hróffæste (cf. fæst hús timbrian, Bt. 12 ; F. 36, 10) perennem ponere sedem, Met. 7, 6: 11. Gif mon on níwne weall unádrúgodne micelne hróf and hefigne onsett, ðonne ne timbreð hé nó healle ac hryre (non habitaculum, sed ruina fabricatur), Past. 383, 33. Se Hǽlend cóm intó þæs ealdres healle (in domum principis), Mt. 9, 23: Sal. 380. II a. figuratively :-- Wel þé geríseð þæt þú heáfod sié healle mǽrre. Cri. 4. III. an official building, (l) a building for worship, a temple :-- Wearðiað Dryhten in halle ðǽre hálgan his adorate Dominum in aula sancta ejus, Ps. Srt. 28, 2. (2) a building for legal business, a court of law :-- In ðæs giroefa halle l mótern (on ꝥ dómern, W. S. ) in praetorium, Jn. L. R. 18, 28. v. gegild-, heáh-, heofon-heall. heall