
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - heall

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


m. A stone, rock :-- Þám strengestan(-e, MS.) stáne, healle robustissim UNCERTAIN petre (cf. Mt. 7, 24), An. Ox. 4111. ¶ in place names, as the name of a person. Cf. Icel. Hallr :-- In halles burge, C. D. iii. 377, 24. Heallingwara mearc wið Halles meres, 400, 27. In locum qui dicitur halles meri, 386, 24. Cf. In loco ubi nominatur Hallingas, i. 194, 15 (the last two passages are parts of the same charter). De Heallingan, 264, 11. Hallinga homme, weallan, iii. 389, 7, 19 (the last three occur in the same charter, which refers to Halhagan). [Goth. hallus petra : Icel. hallr a rock, boulder.] The word is used also as a proper name.

Verwandte Wörter: heal-stán. heall
