Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - heals
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- heals
- Add: I. as part of a person :-- Dyde him of healse hring gyldenne þeóden, B. 2809 : 3017. Cyning þegn be healse genam, 1872. Hire wið. UNCERTAIN halse grápode, 1565. Wiþ healswærce . . . þonne þone heals wærc[e], smire ðá þeóh; gif þá þeóh wærce, smire þone heals, Lch. ii. 312, 5-7 : 8. II. as part of an animal : -- Hals is mín (a badger's) hwít and heáfod fealo, Rä. 16, 1. (an ox) beáh hæfde on healse, 71, 11. III. as part of a thing. Cf. fámig-, wunden-heals as epithets of a ship: -- Heo (bagpipes) hafað hyre on healse bróðor síne, Rä. 32, 21. [N. E. D. halse.] v. freóls. heals