Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - heard-lic
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- heard-lic
- Substitute: I. bold, warlike. Cf. heard; II. I :-- Wíglice, heardlice bellicosas (cohortes), Hpt. Gl. 425, 8. II. resolute, stern. Cf. heard; II. 2 :-- Heardlic eornost and wíslic wærscipe and stydefætst módstaþol . . . bið witena gehwilcum weorðlicre micle, þonnehé his wísan fágige tó swíðe, Ll. Th. ii. 318, 37. III. hard to bear, dire, grievous. Cf. heard; V :-- Egeslic ǽled eágsýne wearð, heardlic hereteám, An. 1556. Heom þúhte heardlic (durum) ꝥ hí wǽron genýdede on ealdum móde ꝥ hí scoldon níwe wísan hycgan. Gr. D. 104, 21. Silla wið Marius heardlice gefeoht þurhteáh and hiene gefliémde Sulla gravissimo praelio vicit, Ors. 5, 11 ; S. 236, 21. Þé sind heardlicu, wundrum wælgrim wítu geteohhad, Jul. 263. IV. harsh, severe, pitiless. Cf. heard; VI :-- Þæt bið þearlic gemót, heardlic heremægen, Dóm. 37. [Icel. harð-ligr hard, severe.] heard-lic