
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hefig

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. of great weight, ponderous :-- Mid róde tácne gewǽpnod, ná mid reádum scylde, oððe mid hefegum helme, oþþe heardre byrnan, Hml. Th. ii. 502, 12. Wiht hafað hefigne steort, Rä. 59, 7. I a. fig.:-- Hiá gebindas byrðenna hefiga (hæfige, R.) in scyldrum monna, Mt. L. 23, 4. II. of great specific gravity, dense :-- ꝥ leóhte fýr úp gewít, and sió hefige eorþe sit þǽr niþere ut pendulus ignis surgat in altum terraegue graves pondere sidant, Bt. 39, 13; F. 234, 12: Met. 29, 53. Wá ðǽm ðe gaderað an hine selfne þæt hefige fenn . . . Ðæt is ðæt mon gadrige ðæt ðicke fenn . . . vae ei qui aggravat contra se densum lutum. Contra se densum lutum aggravare est . . . , Past. 329, 18. Sió eorþe is hefigre and þiccre þonne óþra gesceafta, Bt. 33. 4; F. 130, 19: Met. 20, 133. Hefigere ic eom þonne se hára stán, Rä. 41, 74. III. of fighting where many troops are engaged. Cf. hefelic ; I :-- Bútan hefigum gefeohte and blódgyte sine ullo proelio ac sanguine, Bd. 1. 3; Sch. 15, 2. IV. weighty, important :-- Ðá ðe hefigo (hæfigra, R.) aron ðæs ǽs quae graviora sunt legis, Mt. L. 23, 23. V. grave, severe, serious, deep, profound. (1) in a good sense :-- Sió in ðǽr hefig giwoeðnise sit in ea gravis lenitas, Rtl. 105, 1. Sceomfullnis hefig verecundia gravis, 110, 3. (2) in an unfavourable sense :-- Hú hefig ꝥ dysig is ðe ðá earman men gedwelaþ, Bt. 32, 3 ; F. 118, 6: Met. 19, 1. Áhrede mé hefiges níðes feónda mínra eripe me de inimicis meis, Ps. Th. 58, 1. Gyf hwá hwylce hefige yfelnysse on his hofe geseó, Lch. i. 248, 11. Sace hefige litem gravem (Archiv cxxin Dict.). Sint folces firena hefige, Gen. 2410. Ðá ðe áfellað on hefegum scyldum (cf. on micla scylda, 7) qui gravibus noxis immerguntur, Past. 437, 3. Wið hefigum synnum, Angl. viii. 320, 1. Hí habbaþ sum yfel hefigre and frécendlicre þonne ǽnig wíte sié, Bt. 38, 3; F. 200, 27. Þá hefegastan gravissimam (valetudinem), An. Ox. 4348. VI. having the aspect of heaviness, thick mist, fog, cloud, &c.:-- Tódríf þone þiccan mist þe hangode hefig and þýstre, Met. 20, 266. VII. slow, dull :-- Hefig is hearta folces ðisses incrassatum est cor populi hujus. Mt. L. 13, 15. Ðæt hefige mód glít niðor and niðor desidiosa mens in lapsum casus impellitur, Past. 279, 2. VIII. of persons. (1) troublesome, oppressive :-- Wæs hé náwiht hefig his yldrum nullius molestiae parentibus fuit, Guth. Gr. 107, 22. Nælle ðú mé hefig (molestus) wosa, Lk. L. R. 11, 7. Hefig is mé ðiós widwe, 18, 5, Huæd hir hefigo (hefge, R. molesti) gié sint?, Mk. L. 14, 6. (2) expressing strong disapproval. Cf. colloquial to be down on a person or thing :-- Tó hwon syndon gé þyses weorces swá hefige?, Bl. H. 69, 15. IX. hard to bear, onerous, burdensome, oppressive, grievous :-- Wæs hit on ǽlce wísan hefig týma, for ðám þe hí nǽfre heora yfeles geswicon, Chr. 1001 ; P. 133, 30. Carfull, hefi scrupulosa (ecclesiastici regiminis sollicitudo) An. Ox. 5429. Hwelc wíte sceal ús tó hefig ðyncan quae poena gravis est ?, Past. 255, 3. Þeáh hit nú hefig seó . . . þeáh hit biþ gesǽlþ gif hit mon geðyldilíce áræfnþ, Bt. 11, 1 ; F. 32, 30. Hú hefig sorg men beoþ seó gémen his bearna, 31, 1; F. 112, 17. Gif ꝥ riht tó hefig sý, séce hé þá líhtinge tó þám cynge, Ll. Th. i. 266, 11. A. ' Mé þincað þá bebodu swíðe hefige.' G. 'Mé ne þincð nánwiht hefig ðes þe man lufad.' A. 'Ne þincð mé nán geswinc hefig, gif ic habbe ꝥ ðæt ic æfter swince,' Solil. H. 25, 26-26, 2. Hefig sár, 40, 9. Hé sceolde cuman tó hefegum martyrdóme ad martyrii tormenta ducebatur, Past. 53, 21. Be þǽre hæfegan gémenne bearna, Bt. 31, 1 ; F. 112, 19. Hefig geoc hé beslépte on ealle, 16, 4; F. 58, 16 : Met. 9, 55. Swǽre hæftnéd hefige, Ps. Th. 125, 1. Módsorge hefige, Gú. 1025. Þá myclan byrþenne and þá hefian áberan þǽre myclan langunga, Bl. H. 135, 8. Gebúrgerihta sýn mislice, gehwár hý sýn hefige (onerose), gehwár medeme (leviores aut medie), Ll. Th. i. 434, 4. Hefigra wíta, Gú. 857. Ðeós landlagu stænt on suman lande, gehwár hit is hefigre (gravior), gehwár leóhtre (levior), Ll. Th. i. 434, 30. Helle wíte þæt him hefegore ys, Ælfc. T. Grn. 21, 23. Máran and hefigran frécennesse wyrðe. Bt. 22 1, UNCERTAIN ; F. 76, 16. Beóð þý hefigran heortan benne, Wand. 49. X. hard to perform, difficult, requiring exertion, laborious, toilsome :-- Hefig l uneáðe difficile, Lk. L. 18, 24: Mt. L. 19, 23. Hú hefig and hú earfoþe þis is eall tó gereccanne quanti oneris sit, Bt. 39, 4; F. 216, 32. Mec sorg bicwóm, hefig hondgewinn, Jul. 526. Ðynceað him sumu weorc suíðe hefug (hefgu, v. l.) quaedam sibi difficilia opponit, Past. 285, 1. Hefegast gewinna, þæt hí mid welerum geworht habbað labor labiorum ipsorum, Ps. Th. 139, 9. XI. causing sorrow :-- Hé fond his mondryhten ádlwérigne : him þæt in gefeól hefig æt heortan, hygesorge wæg, micle módceare, Gú. 982. XII. oppressive to the bodily senses, overpowering :-- Hefies ferrei (the passage is: Ferreus lethi somnus, Ald. 80, 19), An. Ox. 2, 487: 5481. Ðeós wyrt hafað hefigne smæc, Lch, i. 264, 20. XIII. weighed down. (1) with care, trouble, &c. (a) feeling trouble :-- Alle gé ða ðe winnes and hefege gé aron omnes qui laboratis et onerati estis. Mt. L. 11. 28. (b) expressing sorrow :-- Mé is swǽre stefn, hefig, gnorniende a voce gemitus mei, Ps. Th. 101, 4. Hé sealde hine sylfne in hefige cwíðnesse sese in gravibus lamentationibus dedit, Gr. D. 120, 7. (2) with sleep, weariness, &c. :-- Woeron égo hiora hefigo erant oculi illorum ingrauati, Mk. L. R. 14, 40. v. þurh-hefig. hefig

Verwandte Wörter: 49, 47), Lch. iii. 198, 24 (
