
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hefig-tíme

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


adj. Grievous, wearisome, tedious, troublesome :-- Hefigtýme leahter is ungefóh fyrwitnys immoderate curiosity is a troublesome vice, Homli. Th. ii. 374, 2. Gif hit is hefigtýme on ðyssere worulde hit becymþ tó micelre méde on ðære tóweardan if it is productive of trouble in this world, it attains to a great reward in that which is to come, i. 56, 4: Ælfc. Gen. Thw. p. 1, 6. Ne þince ðé tó hefitýme tó gehýrenne míne sprǽce do not let it seem too tedious to thee to hear my speech, Basil admn. 7; Norm. 48, 12. Se hefigtíma cwide ðe se wítega gecwæþ be sumum leódscipe the grievous sentence that the prophet declared concerning a certain nation, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 73, 543. Ða wudewan fram hefigtímum heáfodece gehǽlde healed the widow of a wearisome headache, Homl. Th. i. 418, 22. hefig-time