Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - helan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- helan
- Add: I. to prevent something becoming known :-- Hí lǽrdon hira synna, and hí hí nánwuht ne hǽlon (absconderunt), Past. 427, 29. Strengre is ꝥ ic morðor hele, scyle mánswara lifian, Cri 193, I a. with dat. of person to whom something is not made known :-- Míne scylde ic dyde þé cúðe, and míne unrihtwísnysse ic þé ne hæl, Ll. Th. ii. 426, 21. Gif ðú hyt ongitten hæbbe, ne hel hyt mé, Solil. H. 53, 7. Ne mæg ic ðé náuht helan þæs þe ic wát, Bt. 42 ; F. 256, 13: Gen. 1583 : El. 703. Sió heá lár is betere manegum monnum tó helanne, and feáwum tó secganne, Past. 459, 9. I b. with preps, to conceal from (wiþ, fram) :-- Ðonne hí he[o]lað (the o is written above the line) fromUNCERTAIN monnum (hominibiis occultando) ðæt hí secggan scoldon, and secgað ðæt hí he[o]lan scoldon, Past. 449, 5. Ne hel ic (celavi) mildheortnisse ðíne from gesomnunge micelre. Ps. Srt. 39, II. Þéh þe hé hit fæste wid þá senatus hǽle, Ors. 4, 10 ; S. 196, 16. II. to keep silence about :-- Ic ne mæg leng helan be þám lífes treó, El. 706.