
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - help

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


f: also es; m. HELP, aid,, succour :-- On ðǽm burgum wæs getácnad ðæt Crist is eáðmódegra help probans se esse conservatorem humilium, Ors. 3, 2; Swt. 100, 25. Ðǽr is help gearu æt mǽrum manna gehwylcum there is help ready at the hand of the mighty one for every man, Andr. Kmbl. 1814; An. 909. Gionn helpe præsta subsidium, Rtl. 71, 37. Ða ðe hine helpe biddaþ who ask him for help, Ps. Th. 118, 2: Andr. Kmbl. 2061; An. 1033. Gehýr helpys bénan exaudi me, Ps. Th. l01. 2. Uton helpan as ðam raðost ðe helpes betst behófaþ let us ever help him first who has most need of help, L. C. S. 69; Th. i. 412, 3. Helpes bedǽled deprived of help, MS. Cott. Nero A. i. fol. 73. Helpes biddende asking for help: sumes helpes biddende asking for some help, Lchdm. iii. 365, col. 2. Hwá him tó hǽle and tó helpe on ðás world ástág who came down to this world as their salvation and help, Blickl. Homl. 105, 32. Ðám burgwarum com mára fultum tó útan tó helpe more aid came from without to the citizens to help them, Chr. 921; Erl. 107, 19. Rúmlícum helpe benigno favore, Rtl. 17, 35. Þurh ða gebedu gé mágon on swíðe mycelan hylpe beón ge libbendum ge forþfarenum by prayers you may be of very great help both to the living and the departed, L. E, I. 3; Th. ii. 404, 18: 21; Th. ii. 414, 36. Nǽnige helpe ðam byrnendan húse gedón mihton nil ardenti domui prodesse valentes, Bd. 3, 10; S. 534, 34. Ðá nǽnig him ǽnige helpe findan mihte cum nil salutis furenti superesse videretur, 3, 11; S. 536, 25. Helpe úserne adjulorium nostrum, Rtl. 172, 23. Ðǽr mé wið láþum lícsyrce mín helpe gefremede there against the foes my coat of mail afforded me help, Beo. Th. 1107; B. 550. Gehýr mé and mé help freme exaudi me, Ps. Th. 68, 17: Cd. 184; Th. 230, 20; Dan. 236. Dǽleþ help and hǽlo hæleþa bearnum distributes help and salvation to the children of men, 226; Th. 301, 15; Sat, 586 [O. Sax. helpa; f: O. Frs. helfe; f: Icel. hjálp; f: O. H. Ger. helfa; f. auxilium, adjutorium, subsidium, solatium: Ger. hülfe.]

Verwandte Wörter: helpe. help
