
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - helpan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. to add one's own action or effort to that of another so as to make it more effectual, to further the action or purpose of :-- Hé his mǽges healp, B. 2698. Uton clypian tó heofonum ꝥ God úre helpe and tóbrýte þisne here, Hml. S. 25, 349. Ic wolde helpan þæs þe ðǽr unscyldig wǽre and hénan þone þe hine yfelode, Bt. 38, 6; F. 208, 17. Is se dæg comen ꝥ úre mandryhten mægenes behófað gódra manna; wutun gangan tó helpan hildfruman, B 2649: 2879. Of suoester ne hiá helpende de sorore non eam adiuuante. Lk. p. 7. I. II. to relieve the wants or necessities of a person, to succour :-- Þonne hý him tó eów árna bǽdun, þonne gé hyra hulpon, Cri. 1354. Help (cf. ára, Met. 4, 31) þínum earmum moncynne, Bt. 4; F. 8, Milsa ús l help úsig miserere nostri. Mt. L. 20, 30. Gif se hierde ágiémeleásað ðæt hé hiera útan ne helpe si cura exierioris subsidii a pastore negligatur, Past. 137, 15. Hí wolde tóweorpan wuldres aldor, þǽr heora Móyses mægene ne hulpe, Ps. Th. 105, 19: 118, 92. Bibeád ic eów ꝥ gé of þám ǽhtum þe ic eów geaf earmra hulpen, Cri. 1603. II a. used absolutely :-- Gif limlǽweo lama þe forworht wǽre weorðe forlǽten, and hó æfter þám þreó niht áhibbe, siþþan man mót hylpan, sé þe wyllen beorgan sáre and sáule. Ll. Th. i. 18. III. to be serviceable, to profit, avail. (l) the subject a person :-- Ne helpað hí mid óðrum hira niéhstum, mid óðrum hí him deriað in uno proximorum vitam minus adjuvant, in alters multumgravant, Past. 449, 28. (2) the subject a thing, (a) given by a noun :-- Oft sió ilce lár ðe óðrum hielpeð (óðre hilpeð, ), hió dereð ðíém óðrum saepe aliis officiunt, quae aliis prosunt, Past. 173, 19. Ðǽm synfullan náuht ne helpað his gódan geðóhtas, . . . ne ðǽm ryhtwísan ne deriað his yrflan geðóhtas, 423, 25. Wisse hé ꝥ him holtwudu helpan ne meahte, B. 2340: 2684. (b) given in a clause :-- Ic wát ꝥ þé ná ne helpeð (fremað, v.l. expedit) ꝥ þú gá fram mé þus unrótum, Gr D 8i, 13. Hwæðer þú on ǽngum gcþeahte swá twiorǽde sié ꝥ ðé helpe hwæþer hit gewyrþe þe hit nó ne gewyrþe, Bt. 41, 3; F. 25O. 9. IV. reflex, to put forth needed effort on one's own behalf :-- Þ UNCERTAIN heora hǽþenan gild náwðer ne him sylfum helpan ne mihton, ne nánum ðára ðe tó him are wilnodan. Bl. H. 223. 3. V. to relieve a malady, remedy a weakness :-- Ic geléfo, help (tóhelpe, R. adjuva) ungeleaffulmse mínne, Mk. L. 9, 24. v. tó-helpan. helpan

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