
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - here-pæþ

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: , e; f. (?) [Herepæþ seems distinct from strǽt and from weg :-- On ðá strét; andlang strét. . . on ðone herepað ; of ðám herepað . . . on ðá strét; of ðǽre stréte, C. D. iFor weg see C. D. iii. 414, 23 infra] :-- Þanon súþ tó þane herepade (to the lawepathe, later version ; ad illam legalem semitam, Latin version) . . . and swá weast andlange herepaðes (alonge the lawepathys; per longum legales semitas), C. D. B. ii. 386, 25-27. On þone herepað; andlang herepaðes, C. D. iii. 406, 18. Andlang herpaþes, 413, 26. Herpaðes, 406, 32 : 407, 3. On herpað; andlanges herpaðes, Cht. Crw. l, ii. Tó herepade ; swá west on herepaðe anlang hrygges ; ðæt of herepaðe on rúgan díc . . . ; ðonne forð ofer herepað, C. D. iii. 403, 15-17 : 416, I. Andlang weges oð ðæt hit cumð tó ðám herpaðe ; ðonne ofer ðone herpað, 414, 23. Eást tó hearpaðe ; á be hearpaðe, 404. 29. On ðone herepað, ii. 29, 14: iii. 416, 19. On ðone herpað. 415, 30. ¶ perhaps the word may be taken as also feminine (v. pæþ), e. g. :-- On ðére herepaðe . . . of ðane ordcearde on ðáre ordere erepað, C D. iii. 415, 20-23. [The word remains in the local name Harepath. See Cht. Crw. p. 46.] v. ceaster-, folc-, friþ-, port-, sealt-, wíc-, wudu-herepæþ. here-pæþ

Verwandte Wörter: 49, 6-13.
