Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - híréd
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- híréd
- l. híred, and add: I. a family, wife and children :-- Gif hwá stalie swá his wif nyte and his bearn ... Gif hé stalie on gewitnesse ealles his híredes, Ll. Th. i. 106, 15-17. Gif hig (priests) hwylc árwyrðe hýredes fæder tó his húse gelaðige, sé þe wyle mid his wífe and mid bearnum on gástlicum gefeán blissian, ii. 410, 21. Hé sette swá swá scép heóredas posuit sicut oves familias, Ps. Vos. Srt. Rdr. 106, 41. Heórdas, Ps. L. 106, 41. II. a family, body of relatives, house :-- Nán monn hiera cynnes ne hiera hiéredes (hióredes, ) ne offrode homo de semine tuo per familias nan offeret, Past. 65, 1. Gif ðú (Cyrus) hine forstenst wé fordýlegiað þé and þínne hýred, Hml. Th. i. 570, 26. III. a (great) mans household :-- Gif sum ríce mann mé cúð ne bið, ne nán monn his híredes (hiéredes, v. l.), Past. 63, 4. Faeder hiórodes (fæder hína, R.) pater familias, Mt. L. 31, 33. Fader hiórodæs (heóredes, R.) l hígna, 13, 27. Hiórades, 10, 25. Feder iórodes (hína, R.), 13, 52. Hírodes, Lk. L. 12, 39. Geréfan mid his hírede hé tó geleáfan gecyrde praefectum cum domo sua conuertit, Bd. 2, 16; Sch. 177, 21. Hírede familia, An. Ox. 3307. Hýrede, Rä. 60, 6. Ðone ðegn gesette hláferd his ofer hiórod (heórod, R. familiam) his, Mt. L. 24, 45. Híred, Past. 459, 12. On .xiiii. nihte mónan is gód on níwne híred tó fǽrenne, Lch. iii. 178, 32. Ða eorðlican hláfordas sint tó ðǽm gesette ðæt hié ðá endebyrdnesse and ðá ðegnunga hiora hiéredum gebrytnige terrenae domus dominus famulorum ordines ministeriaque dispertiens, Past. 319, 20. ¶ the place of residence of a man and his household :-- Orceard hírede, synt orceardas gedafenlice æpplum pomerium curti, sunt pomaria congrua malis, Lch. i. lxii, 8. III a. where the Deity is regarded as the father of a family. (1) the family being the good :-- Ðú þe ús gedydest þínes hýredes Deus qui nos munis, Solil. H. 8, 9. [Æt] woes hiórodes ðínes beodum adesto familiae tuae precibus, Rtl. 86, 3. Hiórad ðín giheald familiam tuam custodi, 17, 5. (2) the family, those in heaven :-- Híred familiam i. congregationem (coeli beatam), An. Ox. 817. III b. where the devil is the father :-- Forgit þæt hús and þone híred þínes leásan fæder, þæt ys deófol obliviscere domum patris tui, Ps. Th. 44, 12. IV. the household (and house) of a king, court :-- Se cyning ne his híred (domestici eius), Bd. 3, 14; Sch. 260, 1. Híredes begímen aulica cura, Lch. i. lx, 3. Hié an ánum hiérede wǽron áfédde and getýde (cf. Alexandri commilitones, Alexandri duces, 153, 16, 17), Ors. 3, 11; S. 152, 29. Gif þegen geþeáh ꝥ hé þénode cynge and his rádstefne rád on his hírede, Ll. Th. i. 190, 20. Wille wé be him (William I) áwrítan swá swá wé hine ágeáton, and óðre hwíle on his hírede wunedon, Chr. 1086; P. 219, 19. Hýrede, 1074; P. 210, 3. Hié tó his healle ne tó his (Nero's) hírede eft wendan noldan, Bl. H. 173, 18. Be ðám ðe on cyninges hírde feohteð (cf. on cynges healle feohte, 66, 7) de dimicatione in regia, Ll. Th. i. 408, 12. Hér se cyng heóld his híred on Winceastre tó þám Eástran, Chr. 1085; P. 216, 32. On .xii. nihte mónan byð gód on hírd tó férenne, Lch. iii. 178, 27. IV a. where the Deity is king :-- Wé moton sittan mid Drihtne ... þǽr his híred nú hálig eardað, Sat. 592. Áworden wæs mid engle menigo hiórodes heonfonlic facta est cum angelo multitudo militiae caelestis, Lk. L. 2, 13. Ic þé hálsige, heofonríces weard, for þám hírede þe þú hider lǽdest, engla þreátas, Sat. 423. Hé geheóld híred heofona, and þæt hálige seld, 348. IV b. of the followers of Satan :-- Hé tó helle hnígan sceolde and his híred mid, Sat. 376. IV c. where a thing is personified :-- Swá hit bið be þám wísdóme. Ǽlc ... hym mæg cuman tó and on hys hýrede wunian (cf. cynges hám sécan, 2), Solil. H. 44, 16. V. the inferior clerks attendant upon the mass-priest :-- Se biscop sceal þrafian þá mæssepreóstas ꝥ hié þone híred þe hié ofer beóþ, and þá lǽwedan men þe hié aldormen ofer beón sceoldan, ꝥ hié þǽm ne geþafian ꝥ hié heora líf on wóh lifgean, Bl. H. 45, 9. VI. the members of a religious house, v. híred-preóst; II :-- Ðæt hió geselle ðæt land ðám hírode ... bútan hí hit mit unnan híredes ofgán tó rihtan gafole ... and his ðonne se híred hit geearnian ... and stande simle seó bóc on ðæs híredes handa, C. D. ii. 58, 21-29. Æt ǽlcan tídsange eal híred áþenedum limum singe þone sealm, Wlfst. 181, 26. Nime gé ðá ðe on ðǽm hírede (hiórede, v. l.) unweorðuste sién, Past. 131, 7. On hírede in clero, An. Ox. 8, 369. Mathéus dǽl Sce Cúðberti, Marcus dǽl biscobe. Lucas dǽl ðǽm hiórode, Jn. p. 188, 8. Wiste hé sumne híred on his bisceopscíre þe þá ungeþwǽre him betweónum wǽron (cf. wǽron on ðám tíman ungeþwǽre preóstas on ánum his mynstra, Hml. Th. ii. 516, 4), Bl. H. 225, 5. Mid geþeahte bégra þǽra híreda þe æt þám cyrcean syndon cum consilio amborum sodalitatum quae in ecclesiis istis sint, Ll. Th. ii. 236, 18. [v. N. E. D. hird.] v. bisceop-, nunn-, preóst-, wíf-híred. hired,hi-red