
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hírsumian

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Take here hýrsumian in Dict., and add :-- Hýrsumian obtemperare, Wrt. Voc. ii. 63, 8. Hírsumiendum parentibus, 67, 28. I. to obey a person :-- Hérsumað obedit (malus linguae iniquae), Kent. Gl. 589. Hérsumað optemperat (fallax labiis mendacibus), 590. Be ðám ðæt ǽlc óðrum hýrsumige ut obedientes sibi sint invicem fratres, R. Ben. 130, 10, 14. Gif gé hæfdon geleáfan ... hit hýrsumode (obediret) eów, Lk. 17, 6. I a. to obey a person in authority, civil or ecclesiastical :-- Hú ðá kyningas Godes ǽrendwrecum hérsumedon (hír-, ), Past. 3, 6. Þæt ealle Rómáne him (the senate) hírsumeden, Ors. 2, 4; S. 72, 4. ꝥ edleán þe ðú gehéte ðám monnum þe ðé heórsumian woldan, Bt. 3, 4; F. 6, 20. ¶ where the Deity is the object of obedience :-- Þé ealle gesceafta heórsumiaþ and þá gesetnessa þínra beboda healdaþ, Bt. 4; F. 8, 8. Drihten cwyð, 'Of eáres hlyste hé hýrsumode (obedivit) mé,' R. Ben. 19, 21. Ðá kyningas Gode hérsumedon (hír-, v. l.), Past. 3, 6. I b. of a people, to be subject to another :-- Þæt Crécisce and þæt Affricanisce wǽron swá swá hié him hiérsumedon and him underþiéded wǽre, Ors. 2, 1; S. 60, 8. II. to obey a thing. (1) an order, injunction :-- Gebudon him Perse þæt hié hæfden iii winter sibbe wiþ hié (rex Persarum quiescere in pace Graeciam praecepit) ... Hié þá lustlíce þǽre sibbe hírsumedan (they submitted to the peace imposed upon them), Ors. 3, 1; S. 94, 26. (2) a feeling, desire, an impulse, &c. :-- Hí ágenum lustum and heora gítsunge fyliað and hýrsumiað propriis voluptatibus et gule illecebris servientes, R. Ben. 9, 24. Þæt hé ágenum lustum ne hýrsumige non voluptatibus suis obediens, 20, 12. III. to serve :-- Gif hé tóbræc ǽnig þing on þǽre hýrsumnesse þe hé on hýrsumode, áþer on kycenan ..., oðþe on ǽnigum óðerum craefte þe hé mid líchomlicum geswince on hýrsumode, R. Ben. 71, 16-72, 1. III a. to serve God, follow a religious life :-- Twégen hálige menn þe hýrsumedon Gode on ancersettle wuniende, Chr. 1086; P. 218, 33. hirsumian

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