
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hiw

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

shape. l. híw, and add: I. of material things. (1) form, shape, figure :-- Manig wyht is mistlíce férende geond eorþan, and sint swíþe ungelíces híwes quam variis terras animalia permeant figuris, Bt. 41, 6; F. 254, 24. Þá feówer gesceafta hé ... on óþrum híwe gebrengþ elementa ... alterna commutatione transformat, 39, 8; F. 224, 9. Hé sceolde hí áwendan of þám wyrmhíwe ... and tó manna gelícnysse of þám láðum híwe, Hml. S. 10, 106. Fæger híwe formosa (frontis) effigie, An. Ox. 3411. Gást se hálig mid líchomlic huiu (specie) suelce culfra, Lk. L. 3, 22. (1 a) a figure :-- Hé geseah ealra wihta ... híw in cuman variorum monstrorum diversas figuras introire prospicit, Guth. Gr. 139, 4: 140, 4. (1 b) a form, shape, something formed by carving, writing, &c. :-- Hér ámearcod is háligra híw þurh handmægen áwriten on wealle, An. 725. Híwe simulacro, i. statua, An. Ox. 2285. Híw (híf, An. Ox. 3784) effigiem (frivolam simulacri), Hpt. Gl. 495, 28. Mid manifealdum híwum diversis (imaginum) thoraciclis, i. imaginibus, An. Ox. 1044. Týn híw habbað þá bóceras mid þám hig ámearkiað heora accentas, Angl. viii. 333, 21. (2) appearance, aspect :-- Of scilfrium híwe beorhtmeð flaua (auri) specie splendescit, An. Ox. 533. Se fugel is on híwe onlícost peán, Ph. 311. Hié sceolan árísan ... on swylcum heówe swá hié ǽr hié sylfe gefrætwodan, Bl. H. 95, 24. (2 a) beautiful appearance, beauty :-- Gréne stondað gehroden ... beorhtast bearwa. Nó gebrocen weorðeð holt on híwe, Ph. 81. (3) colour :-- Apricitas, color hió, Wrt. Voc. ii. 100, 51. Híw apricitas, 7, 10. Ðæt æðeleste hiéw (híw, l. 23) color optimus, Past. 133, 11. Hwítes híwes (hiéwes, ), 87, 20. Hiówes, Nar. 15, 32. Ungelíces híues discolor, Mt. p. 3, 19. Blaccum híwe nigro colore, ib. Iacintus is lyfte onlícusð on híwe, Past. 85, 5. (4) form, kind, nature, character :-- Ðá ælðeódegan weras ðe on cuman híwe him mid wunedon (peregrines viros in hospitalitatem receptos, Gr. D. iv. 14), Hml. Th. ii. 96, 35. Sé þe wæs on Godes híwe onféng ꝥ híw úre týddran gecynde, Bl. H. 29, 3. Undernim ðú leorningcnihtes híw, ꝥ þú ðás gerýnu leornian mæge, Hml. Th. i. 590, 21. In monnes híw, Cri. 657. In cildes híw, 725. Eom ic þára twelfa sum þe hé getreóweste under monnes híw móde gelufode, Gú. 682. II. form of non-material things. (1) of speech, (a) technical grammatical terms :-- De specie. Species is híw, primitiua and diriuatiua. Ealle ðá eahta partes forneán habbað þás twá híw ... Óðer híw is geháten inchoatiua, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 211, 1-14. De figura. Figura is gefégednys oððe híw. Twá híw synd, simplex and composita, 217, 10. Sume sind gehátene scemata, þæt sind mislíce híw on lédensprǽce, hú heó betst gelógod beó, 295, 4: Angl. viii. 331, 2. (b) in a more general sense, formula, form of words :-- Híwum (praedictis exemplorum) formulis, An. Ox. 79. Ná beseah on spǽce heów leáse non respexit in insanias falsas, Ps. Rdr. 39, 5. (2) of abstractions, form, type, model, appearance that shews evidence of a quality :-- Mǽþhades híweuirginitatis typum, i. speciem, An. Ox, 299. On ymbsnidenesse híwe (tipo), 40, 17. Of hífe (híwe, Hpt. Gl. 465, 74), gelícnysse liniamento .i. similitudini (puritatis), 2530, Fǽmnhá[d]licum híwe uirginali formulae, i. specie, 536. Þæt hé híwige swylce hé árfæstes módes sý, and under þám leáslican híwe gederige, Wlfst. 53, 27. Ðý lǽs ǽnig durre on eáðmódnesse híwe (sub humilitatis specie) hit forcweðan, Past. 51, 3. Sume men onderfóð eáðmódnesse híw, sume ofermódnesse, 301, 25. (3) a pretext :-- Híwe praetextu, An. Ox. 2684: 3930. (4) an imaginary form, a fancy :-- Scinlác vel híw fantasia, i. imaginatio, delusio mentis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 147, 42. III. a kind, species :-- On seofen híwum septem speciebus (dirimuntur), An. Ox. 3113. v. ǽ-, wyrm-híw; dim-híw; adj. hiw

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