
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - híw-cúþ

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. of a house or family, domestic. (1) of persons :-- Híwcúþum domesticis (sodalibus), An. Ox. 5132. Se cyngc betwux his híwcúðum mannum blissode, Ap. Th. 3, 4. (1 a) figuratively :-- Hwæt is ꝥ þǽm men sý máre þearf tó þencenne þonne embe his sáuwle þearfe, ... and hwylce látteówas hé hæbbe, and hwyder hé gelǽded sý ... Sweotollíce wé magon ongeotan ꝥ þá syndon heówcúðe (there are those belonging to the household, i. e. good or evil spirits?) þe wé geseón ne magon, Bl. H. 97, 23. (2) of things :-- Híwcúþ carfulnys domestica sollicitudo, An. Ox. 4183. Híwcúþre domestice (sodalitatis), 2808. II. familiar :-- Þone híwcúþestan familiarissimum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 147, 33. (1) of persons :-- Ic ne eom him swǽ hiéwcúð, Past. 62, 6. Ðyses weres híwcúðesta wæs Julianus hujus viri familiarissimus fuit Julianus, Gr. D. 71, 11. (2) of things :-- Ðeós wyrt ys culfran swíðe híwcúð (doves are very fond of this plant), þanon hý sum þeódscipe columbinam háteð, Lch. i. 170, 13. Þone deófol þe sit on þínum hneccan ic þé of ábleów, and se deófol his híwcúðe setl sóna forlét, Hml. S. 31, 1191. See next word. hiw-cuþ