
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hǽl

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

health. Add: I. sound physical condition (1) of a person :-- Him sió hæl losað solus carports amissa, Fast. 249, 6. Þeáh ðe him (the old man) ádl on ne sitte, þeáh oft his hǽl him bið ádl, Hml. Th. i. 614, 16. Hyt tó hǽle gelǽdeð, Lch. i. 114, 21. Þǽre ǽrran hǽle incohmitati pristine, An. Ox. 4866. Twégen líchaman on þá ǽran hǽle gemina cadauera in pristinum uite statum (restituit), 1875. Tóscádan welan and wǽdle, hǽle and unhǽle, Ll. Th. i. 328, 20. Suá hwá suá hæfð fulle hiéle his líchoman (valetudinem corporis), Past. 251, 3. Nis nánum crístenum menn álýfed bæt hé his hǽle gefecce æt nánum stáne, Hml. Th. i. 474, 30. (2) of a person's health :-- Þǽre ǽran hǽle incolomitati pristine (ualetudinem reítitwit), An. Ox. 4354. II. healing, care :-- Hyt ꝥ sár gelíþegað and þá hǽle gegearwað (effects the cure), Lch. i. 122, 9. II a. with gen. (1) of person :-- 'Gehǽle ðe Críst' . . .Þá gelýfde seó burhwaru þurh þæs bæddrydan hǽle, Hml. S. 10, 50. (2) of disease :-- JJú scealt underfón ftínra wunda hǽle, 7, 276. III. welfare, well-being, prosperity :-- On ðé ys eall úre hǽl, Ps. Th. 3, 7. Hé þæs hǽl gehleát, 105, 24. ¶ in form of salutation :-- Hé þám cásere hǽle bodade, Lch. i. 326, 2. Hǽle Gode (hǽletode, Hpt. Gl. 467, 32) dré[mende] osanna persultans, An. Ox. 2607. Ill a. a means to produce well-being :-- Þissere worulde hǽl is ꝥ heó witan hæbbe, and swá má witena beóð swá hit bet færð, Hml. S. 13, 128. Nýd weorieð oft . . . tó hǽle niða bearnum, Run. 10. IV. mental or spiritual health or healing, salvation :-- Tódæg is ðisum hírede hǽl gefremmed . . . Ic cóm tó gehǽlenne þæt þe on mancynne losode, Hml. Th. i. 582, 5. Þú fulneáh mid ealle forwurde . . . Wé habbað nú þone mǽstan dǽl þǽre tyndran þínre hǽle (habemus maximum tuae fomitem salutis), Bt. 5, 3 ; F. 14, 10. Hǽle (hǽles, L. , hǽlo, R. ), Lk. l, 77. Sáwlum tó hǽle and fis sylfum tó þearfe, Ll. Th. i. 358, 14: Hy. 6, 16. Tó hǽle and tó rǽde, Bl. H. 227, 4. Oncnáwan hwá him tó hǽle and tó helpe and tó feorhnere on þás world ástág, 105, 32. Hé wolde þrowian for ealra manna hǽle and ús gefreólsian from deófles þeówdóme, 65, 33 : 73, 7 : 129, 14. Þæt þú hire cn hǽle gestóde that you would be her salvation, Ps. Ben. 34, 3. Þæt mín mód næbbe náne hǽle æt his Gode, Ps. Th. 3, Þíne hǽle ic sǽde salutare tuum dixi, 39, 10. Þá wæs geworden werude Iúdea þæt heó hǽl gehlutan háliges facto est ludaea sanctificatio ejus, 113, 2.

Verwandte Wörter: múp hǽl. hæl
