Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hladan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- hladan
- Add: I. to load a vessel with a freight :-- Wæs naca hladen herewǽdum, mearum and máðmum, B. 1897. II. to load, furnish abundantly with something. (1) the object a person. (a) the thing material :-- Goldhladen þegn, Fins. 13. (b) the thing non-material :-- Guma gilphlæden, B. 868. (2) the object a thing :-- Hærfest wæstmum hladen, Men. 142. Windhladen (q. v.) ventuosus. III. to put as a burden, freight, or cargo, to load something on a porter or vehicle :-- Ic mé [on] hrycg hlade, þæt ic habban sceal, Rä. 4, 65, Hý ne móston on bǽl hladan leófne mannan, B. 2126. Ic gefrægen hond reáfian ... ánne mannan, him on bearm hladan búnan and discas sylfes dóme, 2775. Ongunnon stígan on wægn weras, and hyra wicg somod hlódan under hrunge, Rä. 23, 10. IV. to draw; haurire :-- Nómun, hlódun auserunt, Wrt. Voc. ii. 101, 28. (1) to draw water (lit. or fig.) :-- Gé hladaþ wæteru of wyllum haurietis aquas de fontibus, Ps. L. fol. 184 a. Ðonan hine hlódan hálge, Past. 467, 32. Hladað iów nú drincan, 469, 7. Ne in huon ðú hlada hæfis ðú neque in quo haurias habes, Jn. L. 4, 11. Úp hladen exantlamus, hauriamus, Hpt. Gl. 418, 33. Tó hladanne dæt wæter, Past. 373, 9. Tó ladanne (hladanne, R.), Jn. L. 4, 7. (2) to draw breath :-- Swá þæs hálgan wæs ondlongne dæg oroð úp hlæden, Gú. 1252. (3) to draw, obtain favour, inspiration, &c. :-- Hé hlet hauriet (salutem), Kent. Gl. 282. (4) to scoop out grain from a vessel :-- Hig worhton him áne anlícnesse þe on ðáre strǽte stód, and mid ðáre swíðran hand þone hwǽte hlód, and mid þám winstran fét þá mittan træd, Ap. Th. 10, 13. hladan