
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hláf-gang

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Substitute: The going to eat bread. Cf. tó hláfe gán under hláf; I a β. (1) of ordinary bread :-- Ðá wicþénas ánre tíde ǽr gemǽnum gereorde gán tó hláfe ... ðéhhweþere freólstídum beón bútan þám hláfgange ... oð þæt hí mæssan hæbben septimanarii ante unam horam refectionis accipiant panem ... in diebus tamen solemnibus usque ad missas sustineant, R. Ben. 59, 13-18. (2) of the Eucharistic bread:-- Hwilcan geþance mæg ǽnig man geþencan on his móde ꝥ hé tó sácerdan heáfod áhylde, and heora mæssan on circan gestande, and æthláfgange (when he goes to receive the consecrated bread) heora hand cysse. Ll. Th. i. 334, 34. hlaf-gang