Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hláford
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- hláford
- Add: I. applied to non-English persons, or in a general sense. (1) a master of servants, a male head of a household :-- Gleáw þeów þone geset hys hláfurd (hláferd. L., dryhten, R.) ofer his híred, ðæt hé him on tíde mete sylle, Mt. 24, 45. Se ðeówa nát hwæt se hláford (hláfard, L. R.) déð, Jn. 15, 15. Gif þeów næbbe wíf and his hláford him wíf sylle ... þæt wíf and hire winclo beóð þæs hláfordes ... Gif se wiel cwið: 'Mé is mín hláford leóf,' Ex. 21, 4-5. Se apostol beád ðeówum mannum þæt hí wǽron heora hláforde getreówe and holde, wǽre se hláford good, wǽre hé yfel. Hml. Th. ii. 68, 9. Wénst þú þæt seó mengio þínra monna þé mæge dón gesǽligne? ... yfele þegnas beóþ heora hláforde fiénd an te longus ordo famulorum facit esse felicem? qui si vitiosi moribus sint ... ipsi domino inimici, Bt. 14, 1; F. 42, 23. Swé swé égan ðiówa in hondum hláfarda heara, Ps. Srt. 122, 2. Ne mæg nán man twám hláfordum þeówian, Mt. 6, 24. (1 a) where the servant is a thing personified :-- Hláford mín (a plough's), Rä. 22, 3. (2) a ruler, one who has subjects, one to whom obedience is due. (a) sovereign of a country, governor of a city or province, an ecclesiastical chief :-- Se hláford (Nero), Met. 9, 55. Se hláford (cf. Dominus dominorum, Ps. Srt. 135, 3. Hwæt tácnað ús Saul búton yfle hláfurdas (mali rectores)? oððe hwæt Dauid búton góde ðeówas (boni subditi)?, Past. 197, 22. ¶ applied to Deity :-- Gif ðá gesceafta heora unwillum hláforde hérden, Bt. 35, 4: F. 160, 21. ꝥ hí þeówian swilcum hláforde and fægniaþ þæs ꝥ hé heora wealt, 39, 13; F. 234, 29. Áhóf ic riicnæ kyningc, heafunæs hláford, Txts. 126, 5. Heofeones hláford and ealles middangeardes, Bl. H. 69, 13. Þane ǽcan hláford, Solil. H. 25, 2. Hláford eallra, engla and elda, El. 475. (a a) used in addressing a ruler :-- Se biscop wrát ǽnne pistol Theodosio cásere þus cweðende: 'Hyt gedafenað, lá wynsuma hláford ...,' Angl. viii. 322, 48. (b) a military officer, captain :-- Hundraðes monna hláford centurio, Mt. p. 15, 13. (c) a master of disciples :-- Hláford mín (cf. þone leófestan láreów, 977), Gú. 1331. Hé his hláford geseah ellorfúsne ... ongan þá duguda hleó geongran rétan, 1026-1035. Hý þæs láreówes word ne gehyrwdon; sóna wǽron gearwe hæleð mid hláford, Cri. 461. (d) a major-domo. v. hláf-weard :-- Gesette hine hláford húses his, Ps. Srt. 104, 21. (e) figurative (α) where the ruler or master is a thing :-- Se wela and se anweald and þá woruldgesǽlþa sint eówre hláfordas and eówre wealdandas, Bt. 16, 2; F. 50, 36. Ðá unrihtwísan cynges hí underþiódaþ unþeáwum; sceal ðonne néde tó þára hláforda dóme þe hé hine ǽr underþeódde, 37, 1; F. 186, 29 : Met. 25, 65. (β) where the ruled is a thing :-- Is ꝥ forweorþfullic wela þe náuþer ne mæg hine selfne gehealdan ne his hláford, Bt. 29, 1; F. 102, 15. Hwí wæs Adame án treów forboden, þá þá hé wæs ealles óðres hláford?, Angl. vii. 6, 42. Þás woruldgesǽlþa and þes anweald willaþ clifian on þǽm wyrstan monnum, and him geþafiaþ þæt hí bióð heora hláfordas, Bt. 16, 3; F. 54, 20. (f) used of animals :-- Gif gé gesáwen hwelce mús þæt wǽre hláford ofer óþre mýs and sette him dómas and nídde hié æfter gafole si inter mures videres unum aliquem jus sibi ac potestatem prae caeteris vendicantem, Bt. 16, 2; F. 52, 2. (3) an owner, a proprietor :-- Gif oxa hníte wer oððe wíf ... his hláford (dominus bovis) bið unscildig. Gif se oxa hnitol wǽre ... and hig hit his hláforde cýðden ... ofsleah þone hláford, Ex. 21, 28-29. Sum fearr wearð ángencga ... Se hláford ðá gegaderode micele menigu his incnihta, Hml. Th. i. 502, 12; Bl. H. 199, 9. (4) a husband :-- Nerónes wíf, Libia, and Agrippan wíf, Agrippina, noldan leng heora hláforda ne heora wera restgemánan sécean. Bl. H. 173, 15. II. used of Englishmen in technical senses. (1) a master of free or servile labourers :-- Gif þeów mon wyrce on Sunnandæge be his hláfordes hǽse ... se hláford geselle .xxx. scill. tó wíte ... Gif se frígea þý dæge wyrce bútan his hláfordes hǽse, Ll. Th. i. 104, 2-6. Gif hláford his þeówan freólsdæge nýde tó weorce ... gylde lahslit se hláford, 402, 17-19. Gif wíteþeów hine forstalie, hó hine mon, and ne gylde his hláforde, 118, 7. (2) the male head of a household, (a) the master of domestics :-- Hæbbe ǽlc hláford his híredmen on his ágenum borge. Ll. Th. i. 394, 27. Híredmanna gehwilc sille pænig tó ælmessan, oððe his hláford sille for hine. Wlfst. 181, 17. (b) the master of a wife, a wife's lord and master, the husband :-- Ðis is geðinge Eádwaldes and Cyneðrýðe, Eðelmódes láfe ymbe ðet lond ðe hire Eðelmód hire hlábard salde, C.D. i. 295, 34. Æfter Byrhtwara (cf. Byrhtwaru Ælfríces láf, 380, 23) dæge ... for Ælfríc hire hláford; and Bró;mleáh ... swá Ælfríc hire hláford hit becwæð, ii. 381, 20-23. Eádgyð seó hlǽfdie forðférde, seó wæs Eádwardes cynges geresta ... and se cyngc ... leide heó wið Eádwearde cynge hire hláforde, Chr. 1076; P. 212, 22. Þæt wíf sceal hire ealdore (hláforde, v.l.) hiéran, Ll. Th. i. 138, 18. (3) a lord spiritual, the chief of an ecclesiastical establishment, v. hláford-dóm :-- Gif preóst mon ofsleá ... hine mon of þám mynstre ágife, búton se hláford þone wer foreþingian wille, Ll. Th. i. 76, 3. Fóe se hláford tó and ðá hígon æt Krístes cirican ... an ðás rédenne ic hit ðider selle ðe se monn, sé ðe Krístes cirican hláford sié, sé mín and mínra erfewearda forespreoca, and an his hláforddóme wé bión móten, C.D. i. 311, 17-22: 310, 31. Bútan þæs munuces hláfordes léfnesse. Ll. Th. i. 74, 16. Healf cyninge, healf biscepe and þǽre cirican hláforde þe þá nunnan áge, 66, 17. Wiib and cild ðǽm hláforde and hígum and ðǽre stówe befestan, C.D. i. 316, 10. Geunnan healfes Gode and sancte Petre and ðǽre cyrcean hláforde, v. 143, 2. Ðá menn ðá ðaer (Canterbury) hláfordas wǽron, 292, 29. Aet hláforda tídum, 293, 17. (4) a lord of vassals or retainers, a feudal lord :-- Godríc þone gódan forlét þe him mænigne oft meár gesealde; hé gehleóp þone eoh þe áhte his hláford, By. 189. Wé cweðað ꝥ mon móte mid his hláforde feohtan orwíge, gif mon on þone hláford fiohte; swá mót se hláford mid þý men feohtan. Æfter þǽre ilcan wísan mon mót feohtan mid his mǽge ... búton wið his hláforde; ꝥ wé ne liéfað, Ll. Th. i. 90, 19-25: 120, 3: 220, 22: 228, 27. Ne teó se hláford ná máre on his ǽhte bútan his rihtan heregeate, 412, 29. Sé þe ymb his hláfordes feorh sierwe, 64, 4. Sé ðe ðone ándagan brece, búton hit sý þurh hláfordes geban, 260, 13. Gif hwá fare unáliéfed fram his hláforde, 126, 9: 150, 15. Þá þe hine ǽr hláforde befæston, 162, 17. On cinges sele hé his hláforde þénode, 192, 1. Se man þe ætfleó fram his hláforde ... on scypfyrde oþþe on landfyrde, 420, 7. Se man þe on fyrdunge ætforan his hláforde fealle, 15. Gif mon wille of boldgetale in óðer boldgetæl hláford sécan, dó ꝥ mid þæs ealdormonnes gewitnesse þe hé ǽr in his scíre folgode, 86, 3: 134, 3. Gif hwá embe cynincg oþþe hláford syrwie, 408, 3. (4 a) with special reference to the grant of land :-- Fó se hláford tó his lande þe hé him ǽr sealde, Ll. Th. i. 420, 10. Hláfordes gifu, 292, 16: 422, 2. Ǽlcne man lyst, siððan hé ǽnig cotlýf on his hláfordes lǽne getimbred hæfð, þæt hé hine móte þár on gerestan ... oð ðone fyrst þe hé bócland and ǽce yrfe þurh his hláfordes miltse geearnige, Solil. H. 2, 7-13. Ymb mín lond þe ic (Abba geroefa) hæbbe and mé God láh and ic æt mínum hláfordum begæt, C.D. i. 310, 6. (5) the lord of a manor :-- Gif se hláford him wile ꝥ land árǽran tó weorce and tó gafole. Ll. Th. i. 146, 3: 436, 9. Gif geneátmanna hwilc forgýmeleásað his hláfordes gafol ... gif se hláford mildheort bið ..., 270, 16-18. Æt hláfordes falde, berne, 434. 13, 16. Gescádwís geréfa sceal witan ge hláfordes landriht ge folces gerihtu, Angl. ix. 259, 4. (5 a) the lord of a manor in legal relations :-- Fó se hláford (landhláford, v.l.) tó healfan, tó healfan ꝥ hundred, Ll. Th. i. 268, 20: 258, 12-13. Gif se hláford sæcge ꝥ him náðor ne burste ne áð ne ordál ... niman se hláford him twégen getreówe þegenas innan þám hundrede and swerian ..., 280, 10-13. Gif se hláford hine ládian wylle, 294, 12. Gif þeós lád teórie, gylde twygylde, and hláforde his wíte, 354, 31: 282, 3. (6) a ruler, (a) of a country, (our) lord (the king) :-- Gif úre hláford ús ǽnigne eácan geþæncean mæge tó úrum friðgildum ... uton healdan ꝥ frið swá hit úrum hláforde lícige, Ll. Th. i. 238, 15-25. Þone man þe úres hláfordes grið tóbrocen hæbbe, 296, 29. Úres hláfordes gerǽdnes and his witena, 304, 9, 14, 18. Ǽlc mæssepreóst mæssige for úrne hláford and for ealle his þeóde, Wlfst. 181, 22. (b) of a province :-- Ǽr Æðelréd wæs Myrcna hláford, C.D. ii. 131, 28. Æþelrédes dohtor Myrcna hláfordes, Chr. 919; P. 105, 31. Æþréd aldorman and Æthelflæd Myrcna hláfordas, C.D. ii. 151, 1. Hé hit geearnode hit æt Mercna hláfordum, 111, 29. See Chr. P. ii. 118. v. land-, riht-, scip-hláford. hlaford