
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hlehhan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

hlæhan, hlihhan, hlichan, hlihan. hlihgan;

p. hlóh; pl. hlógan To LAUGH [with gladness or contempt], to deride :-- Ic hliche rideo, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 3; Som. 28, 53: 47; Som. 47, 15. Hé gedép ðæt wé hlihhaþ on morgen ad matutinum lætitia, Ps. Th. 29, 5. Eádgo ða ðe nú gie woepeþ forðon gie hlæheþ beati qui nunc fletis quia ridebitis, Lk. Skt. Lind. 6, 21. Wǽ iúh ða ðe hlǽhas forðon gie woepaþ væ vobis qui ridetis nunc quia lugebitis, 25. Hlihgaþ, Homl. Th. i. 180, 14. Hlihaþ, Blickl. Homl. 25, 23. Hliehaþ, Past. 27; Swt. 187, 19. Ðonne wé hliehaþ gligmonna unnyttes cræftes when we laugh at the useless art of gleemen, 34, 1; Swt. 231, 7. Ne hlóh ic ná ... ac ðú hlóge non risi ... sed risisti, Gen. 18, 15. Ðú hlóge and ic weóp thou didst laugh and I wept, L. E. I. pref; Th. ii. 398, 15. Se eorl wæs ðé blíðra hlóh ðá, Byrht. Th. 136, 6; By. 147: Judth. 10; Thw. 21, 17; Jud. 23: Cd. 33: Th. 45, 10; Gen. 724. Hlógun l téldon hine deridebant eum, Lk. Skt. Lind. 8, 53. Ða apostoli hlógon ðæra deófla leásunga and se ealdorman cwæþ mé stent ege ðysse andsware and ge hlihaþ the apostles laughed at the devils' lying words, and the general said 'Fear comes upon me at this answer, and you laugh,' Homl. Th. ii. 482, 25. Ealle geseónde mé hlógon on bysmor omnes videntes me deriserunt me, Ps. Lamb. 21, 8: Exon. 120 a; Th. 160, 22; Hö. 21. Ðeáh ðé mon hwylces hlihge and ðú ðé unscyldigne wite ne réhst ðú hwæt hý rǽdon hý teóþ ðé ðæs ðe hý sylfe habbaþ though you are derided [or blamed?] for anything, and know yourself to be innocent, you shall not care what they say; they accuse you of what they have themselves, Prohe said that he saw Christ himself, and that he smiled upon him, Shrn. 70, 9. Hlehhan ne þorftun they had noneed to laugh, Chr. 937; Erl. 114, 13; Æðelst. 47. Ne þorfton hlúde hlihhan, Cd. 4; Th. 5, 17; Gen. 73. Hwæt sceal ic ðonne búton hlehchan [Cot. MS. hliehhan] ðæs ðonne gé tó lose weorþaþ what shall I do but laugh at it, when you come to ruin; ego quoque in interitu vestro ridebo, Past. 36, 1; Swt. 249, 1. Forðon hí hlyhhan mǽgen for this reason they can laugh, L. M. 2, 36; Lchdm. ii. 242, 24. Ða deóflu sægdon hlúde hlihhende the devils said, laughing loudly, Homl. Th. ii. 350, ILLEGIBLE 376, 5; Herb. 9; Lchdm. i. 98, 27. Hlichende, Ælfc. Gr. 48; Som. 49, 18. Mid hlihendum múþe with a smile on his lips, Homl. Th ILLEGIBLE; Elen. Kmbl. 1986; El. 995. Ðǽm hlæhendum ridentibus, Lk. Skt. ILLEGIBLE 5, 7 [Orm. lahhȝhenn. Laym. lehȝen, lihȝen; p. loh, pl. loȝen: A. R. lauhwen: Ayenb. lheȝȝe: Piers P. Chauc. laughen: Wick. ILLEGIBLE p. leiȝede; Goth. hlahjan; p. hlóh: O. Sax. hlahan; p. hlóg, pp. hlagan O. Frs. hlaka, p. hlackade: Icel. hlæja, p. hló, pl. hlógu; pp. hleginn: O. H. Ger. hlahan; p. hlóc: Ger. lachen.] DER. a-, be, bí-hlehhan. hlehhan

Verwandte Wörter: Kmbl. 12. Hé sǽde ðæt hé gesáwe crist selfne and ðæt hé him hlóge tó
