
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hǽlend

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. used of the Deity in reference to pre-Christian times (1) as a noun denoting an agent, a saviour :-- Freá mihtig, hǽlend manna, Ps. C. 137. Drihten is mín hǽlend Dominus salus mea. Ps. Th. 26, l. Þú eart mín hǽlend salutare vultus mei, 42, 6. Úre hǽlend God helpe ússes salutaris noster, Dens noster, Deus salvos faciendi, 67, 20. Hǽlynd Drihten, 107, 6. Mín gást wynsumaþ on God mínum hǽlende, Bl. H. 7, 3. (2) with weakening of force and tending to become a mere title (cf. Christ), (a) where it is not definitely applied to the second person of the Trinity :-- Him wæs Hǽlend God wráð geworden, Sat. 281. Bearn Hǽlendes, Sae. 153. Hélendes, 86. Þú (Satan) ús (the fallen angels) gelǽrdest þæt wé Hǽlende hýran ne sceoldan, 54. Herigean Hǽlynd Drihten Laudate Dominum, Ps. Th. 112, 1: 98, 10. (b) applied to the second person :-- Frumbearn Godes sǽde: ' Ic eów geworhte . . . Ic on neorxna wonge ǽsette treów . . git oferhýrdon Hǽlendes word . . . Næs þá monna gemet. . . þæt eów mihte helpan, nimðe Hǽlend God, sé þæt wíte ǽr tó wrece gesette, férde tó foldan', Sat. 470-95. II. of the Deity in Christian times, (1) denoting a saviour, used of Christ :-- Þú hǽlend eart middangeardes, El. 809. Þæt hé mundbora mín geweorðe, helpend and hǽlend wið hellsceaðum, Jul. 157. Ic wille hýran mínum hǽlende, Gú. 576. Heó cende ealles middaneardes hǽlend, Bl. 105, 18. Hǽlend tillfremmendra, Rä. 60, 6. (2) passing into a title. Cf. I. 2. (a) used of God the Father :-- Dryhten Hǽlend (cf. þín sunu, 778), El. 726. (b) used of Christ, (α) the Saviour :-- Ðá se Hǽlend ðæt ongeat, Past. 33, 15 : Bl. H. 17, 25. Se Hǽlend ús helpe gefremede þurh his líces gedal, Ph. 650: El. 862. Se gehálgoda Hǽlend, Cri. 435. Maria smerede þæs Hǽlendes fét, Bl. H. 69, 2 : Cri. 505. Martha gearwode þám Hǽlende ǽfengereordu, Bl. H. 67, 26. ¶ with other titles of the Deity :-- Þú eart Hǽlend God, Hy. 3, 9. Hí lǽrdon ǽnne willan beón on Dryhtne Hǽlende Críste (Dryhtne Hǽlende, ) (in Domino Saluatore), Bd. 5, 19 ; Sch. 666, 8. (β) rendering Jesus :-- His nama wæs Hiesus, þæt is Hǽlend, for ðan ðe hé gehǽlð ealle ðá þe on hine gelýfað, Hml. Th. i. 198, 12. Hǽlend genam his twelf þegnas sunder, Bl. H. 15, 6, 15, 23. Hit is Hǽlend se Nazarenisca it is Jesus of Nazareth, 18. Hire sweostor gesæt big Hǽlendes fótum, 67, 27: Sat. 382: An. 574: Kr. 25. Lazarus sæt mid Hǽlende, Bl. H. 67, 36. Didimus mid hondum Hǽlend genóm, Sae. 544. ¶ with other titles of the Deity :-- Úre Drihten Hǽlend . . . wæs Hǽlend Críst, Bl. H. 67, 4-5: Sat. 219: An. 1409. Úre Drihten Hǽlend Críst, Bl. H. 11. 21. v. hǽlan ; II. 2. ¶ hælend

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