
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hlid

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. that which covers the opening at the top of a vessel or closes the mouth of an aperture :-- Bytte hlid cordias, Wrt. Voc. ii. 135, 80. ' Gange hē him tō mīnre byrgene and āteó āne hringan ūp of dǣre þrȳh' . . . ' Getīda mē ꝥ ic āteó þās hringan ūp of dysum hlide (hlyde, )' . . .Hē teáh dā ꝥ īsen ūp of dām stāne, Hml. S. 21, 67. Hī gemētton āne mǣre þrūh . . . and ꝥ hlid (hlyd, v.l.) dǣr tō gelimplīce gefēged, 20, 82. Þrȳh hlid sarcophagi tumbam, i. tumulum, An. Ox. 3970. Ðonne þū cuppan wylle . . . Ðonne þū hlid habban wylle, Tech. ii. 125, 6. I a. figurative :-- Gerȳna hlidum beclȳsincga (mysticis) sacra-mentorum operculis clausa (coelitus reserantur), An. Ox. 1521. II. that which closes an aperture in a wall, fence, &c., a gate, door :-- On Lullan hlyd on dā hegestōwe, C. D. iii. 213, 8. v. eág-, ceaster-hlid. hlid

Verwandte Wörter: l.
