Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hlifian
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- hlifian
- Add: I. of position :-- Þæt treów þe wexed on þām wudu-bearwe þæt hit hlifad ūp ofer eall þā ōdre treówu . . . bid hit swīdlīcor geweged þonne se ōder wudu. Swā be þām heáclifum þonne hī hlifiad feor ūp ofer þā ōdre eordan, Wlfst. 262, 5-11. Þǣre byrig hlifad ān munt urbi mons praeeminet, Gr. D. 225, 14. Of dām munte þe ofer his mynstre hlifade ex eo monie qui ejus monasterio in excelso prominet, 12, 8. Hlifode ofer mycel stānclif and swā hlifiende . . . ꝥ stānclif þe him ofer hlifode magna desuper rupes eminebat . . . prominens . . . saxum quod desuper incubuerat, 213, 10-24. II. of degree :-- Fore golde and fore gimmum ford hlifad seó reádnes and bryne dæs swyles pro auro et margaritis rubor tumoris ardorque promineat, Bd. 4, 19 ; Sch. 450, 10. hlifian