
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hlīt

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


m. (but in Ps. L. 30, 16 the word seems feminine). Take here hlēt, hlyt (l. hlȳt) in Dict., and add: I. a lot (the object which is used) :-- Cleros an Crēcisc getācnad hlȳt an Englisc cleros sors inter fretatur, Chrd. 75, 28. Ofer hrægl mīn sendon hlēt (hlȳt, Ps. L.) super vestem meam miserunt sortem, Ps. Vos. Srt. 21, 19. Hlētt, Mk. R. 15, 24. I a. the urn in which the lots were placed :-- Hlēte urna (matronam, quam suprenia sors gernina mortis mulctaverat urna. Ald. 25, 9), Hpt. Gl. 449, 58. II. the casting of lots :-- Widercwidas ofdrect hlēt, and tō-scēd contradictiones comprimit sors, et (inter potentes) diiudicat, Kent. Gl. 655. Be hlēte sorte (territorii dirempta), Hpt. Gl. 426, 42. Hlēte tōdǣlde him eordan sorte diviasit eis terram, Ps. Vos. Srt. 77, 54. III. the share assigned to a person :-- Seó sāwel de bedǣled is þām gōdnyssum, heó gewilnige þæt se cystiga wealdend hī gedeóde þām hlȳte his gecorena, Hml. Th. i. 346, 29. Ne forlǣt Dryhten gird synfulra ofer hlēt (sortem) ryhtwīsra, Ps. Vos. Srt. 134, 3. IV. lot, fate, fortune :-- Hē Mercna rīce twā and twēntig wintra missenlice hlēte (hlȳte, ) fore wæs, Bd. 2, 20; 184, l. Þone hē gelīce hlēte (hlȳte, v. l.) genidrade and ofslōh Eanfridum simili sorte damnavit, 3, l; Sch. 192, 22. Nū syndon gesette þā apostolas in hlēt ǣ hié bodian now are the apostles appointed to the task(?) of ever proclaiming her, Bl. H. 157, 35. On handum þīnum hlȳta mīne in manibus tuis series meae, Ps. L. 30, 16. IV a. of death :-- Þǣre ȳtemeste hlȳtes sortis suppreme, An. Ox. 2294. Þǣm ētemestan hlēte suprema sorte, Hpt. GL, 453, 34. v. mid-hlīt; hlyte. hlit

Verwandte Wörter: l. varia sorte
