Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hlýpa
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
hliépa, an;
- hlýpa
- m. That which helps in leaping, in leaping on or mounting a horse, a horse-block :-- Siððan hé wæs ðæm cyninge to ðon geset óþ his lífes ende, ðæt hé sceolde swá oft stúpian swá hé tó his horse wolde, and hé ðonne se cyning hæfde his hrycg him tó hliépan hoc infamis officii continua donec vixit damnatione sortitus, ut ipse acclinis humi, regem super adscensurum in equo dorso adtolleret, Ors. 6, 24; Swt. 274. 25. Æt hinde hlýpan, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. ii. 249, 35. [a horse-block: leaping the operation of lowering tall hedges for the deer to leap over.'] hlypa