Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hȳr
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- hȳr
- Add: I. payment contracted to be made for the temporary use of anything :-- Sume men syllad eác cyrcan tō hȳre swā swā wāclice mylna . . . ac hit ne gedafenad ꝥ man dō Godes hūs ānre mylne gelīc for lydrum tolle, Hml. S. 19, 248. Ia. where the thing is money, interest, usury :-- Hȳre fenoris, usure, Germ. 389, 45. II. payment contracted to be made for personal services, wages :-- Gif mē nū mettas and wīn, and ic hit þē gilde eft of mīre hȳre I will pay ii you back out of my wages (cf. hē bæd ꝥ hē mōste healdan heora æceras and him mōde earnian, 216), Hml. S. 30, 261. Hī ealle wǣron on dǣre hȳre gelīce, Hml. A. 44, 509. hyr-,hyr