Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hræd-ness
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- hræd-ness
- Add: I. where there is rapid movement:--Rædnis pernicitas (pedum), Txts. 182, 75. Wit geségon sittan twégen men on twám olfendum and þá efstan mid þǽre mǽstan hrædnesse, Hml. A. 206, 361. Þone ðóðor mid swiftre rædnesse geslegene, Ap. Th. 13, 4. Rædnisse concursionibus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 105, 24. Rǽdnessum, 15, 26. II. where litele time is taken:--Se stán wearð upp áhafen mid swá mycelre hrædnysse (celeritate) swylce hé ǽr náne hefinysse næfde it took as little time to lift the stone as if it had no weight to start with, Gr. D. 123, 13. Hé mid ealre hrædnysse onféng his ǽrran hǽle salutem pristinam citius recepit, 157, 14. Wundorlícre hrædnysse hé ongyt þæs innoðes líðunge in a wonderfully short time he will perceive relief in the stomach, Lch. i. 112, 1. III. promptness, readiness:--Ic eom ondetta þæt ic onféng on mínne múð wealworda and yfelre rædnesse (cf. reþnesse, 101, 43) unnyttra blissa, Angl. xi. 98, 37. On rædnesse in maturitate, Bl. Gl. hræd-ness