
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hreð-

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

hréd-mónaþ, es;

m. March :-- On ðæm þriddan mónþe on geáre biþ án and þrittig daga and se mónþ is nemned on lǽden martius and on úre geþeóde hrédmónaþ in the third month in the year are one and thirty days, and the month is called in latin martius, and in our language hrédmónaþ, Shrn. 59, 9. Ðonne se hréðmónaþ biþ ágán ðonne biþ seó niht twelf tída lang and se dæg ðæt ilce when March is past then the night is twelve hours long and the day the same, 69, 7. Bede in his work 'De temporum ratione' c. 13 says 'Rhedmonath a dea illorum Rheda, cui in illo sacrificabant, nominatur.' Grimm quotes similar forms from other German sources, Retmonat, Redimonet, as names of March or February; and supposes an O. H. Ger. Hruod, Hruoda to correspond to the English Hréd, Hréðe, which would be connected with hruod [

Verwandte Wörter: hréð] fame, glory. See D. M. 267. hreð-,hreþ,hreð
