Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hrínan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- hrínan
- Add: [a pp. hríned occurs.] I. to touch with the hands:--Hé hrán ꝥ ceiste, Lk. L. 7, 14. Duru sóna onarn siððan hé hire folmum hrán, B. 722. Ðá hrínendo him tangentes eum, Lk. p. 5, 5. I a. to touch, be sensitive to:--Scíneð þé leóht fore . . . nú þú his hrínan meahte, Gen. 616. I b. to touch the hand, finger, &c , to something, bring into contact with:--Send Lazarum ꝥte indépe l hrínæ útaweard fingeres his in wætre mitte Lazarum ut intinguat extremum digiti sui in aquam, Lk. L. 16, 24. II. to come into contact with:--Nó hafað hió fót ne folm, ne ǽfre foldan hrán, Rä. 40, 10. III. to touch, strike with a (pointed) weapon:--Siððan ic hríno hildepílum láðgewinnum, Rä. 16, 28. Gif hine hríneð þæt mé (a bow) of hrife fleógeð, 24, 12. IV. to affect by contact, make an impression upon:--Him heardra nán hrínan wolde íren ǽrgód, B. 988. V. to have to do with, meddle with:--Þám hringsele hrínan ne móste gumena ǽnig, B. 3053. V a. to lay hands on, or meddle with so as to hurt, to injure, hurt. (1) the agent a person:--Ic hríno ðone hiorde percutiam pastorem, Mk. L. R. 14, 27. Ne wæs ǽnig þára þæt mé þus þríste swá þú nú þá mid hondum hrínan dorste, Jul. 512. (2) the agent non-personal:--Hé on þá tíd ðe hé inne bið ne bið hrinen (hríned, ) mid þí storme ðæs wintres (hiemis tempestate non tangitur), Bd. 2, 13; Sch. 165, 25. Fære ne móston wætres brógan hrínan, Gen. 1396. VI. to reach, attain to:--Nǽfre hió heofonum hrán, Rä. 40, 20. [v. N. E. D. rine.] v. oþ-hrínan. hrinan