
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hring

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

in the phrase wópes hring occurs four times, in poems by the same author :-- Ðá cwom wópes hring þurh ðæs beornes breóst blát út faran weóll waðuman stream, Andr. Kmbl. 2558; An. 1281. Ðá wæs wópes hring hát heáfodwylm ofer hleór goten nalles for torne teáras feóllon, Elen. Kmbl. 2262; El. 1132. Ðǽr wæs wópes hring torne bitolden wæs seó treówlufu hát æt heortan hreðer innan weóll, Exon. 15 b; Th. 34, 5; Cri. 537. Him ðæs wópes hring torne gemonade teagor ýðum weól háte hleórdropan, 52 a; Th. 182, 21; Gú. 1313. The meaning given by Grein, sonus [cf. hringan], does not seem to suit the context very well, which, as in the second passage, where the phrase appears equivalent to hát heáfodwylm, points to shedding tears as the idea to be conveyed. Grimm explains fletus intensissimus, quasi circulatim erumpens, And. u. El. p. 130, and this seems to give the meaning though the connection with hring is not very evident. hring