Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hǽþen
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- hǽþen
- Add; -- Hǽþene geneliatici. Wrt. Voc. ii. 40, 53. A. as adj. (but sometimes where used predicatively might belong to B. ) I. referring to times covered by Old and New Testaments. (1) of persons, (a) not believing in Jehovah, not of the Jewish religion :-- Giethro, ðeáh hé hǽðen and elðiódig wǽre, Past. 130, 12. Hǽðen heriges wísa (Nebuchadnezzar), Dan. 203. Ꝥ wíf wæs hǽðen Sirofénisces cynnes erat mulier gentilis Syrophoenissa genere, Mk. (W. S. , L. , R. ) 7, 26. Hǽðenes heaðorinces (Holofernes') heáfod, Jud. 179. Hǽðnum folce (the people of Sodom), Gen. 2416. Þone hǽðenan hund (Holofernes), Jud. no. Óðre þeóda, hǽðene herigeas, Ps. Th. 78, 10. (a α) a gentile">aα">gentile (as used in the A. V. ) B. I. aα :-- Gerihtnes hǽþenra þeóda, Bl. H. 163, 23. Hé bid geseald hǽþnum mannum he shall be delivered unto the Gentiles (Lk. 18, 32), 15, 9. Betwuxn hǽðnum monnum among the Gentiles (i. Cor. 5, l), Past. 211, 8. ¶ the part put for the whole :-- Áhangen hǽðenum folmum, El. 1076. (b) used of a Samaritan as opposed to a Jew :-- Samaritanus, ꝥ is hǽðin monn, Lk. L. 10, 33. Des wæs hǽðin hic erat Samaritanus, 17, 16. (2) of things. Cf. II 3 :-- Hǽþenu godu dii gentium, Ps. Th. 95, 5. Ge sǽdon ꝥ þá hǽðnan tída wǽron beteran þonne þá crístnan, Ors. 6, 37 ; S. 296, 18. Ne swerigen gé nǽfre under hǽðene godas (per nomen exlernorum deorum non jurabitis. Ex. 23, 13), Ll. Th. i. 54, 23. II. referring to Christian times, (1) of persons, (a) not of the Christian religion :-- Swá hwylc hǽþen (gentilis) man swá forlǽt hǽþen wíf. . . Gyf hyra óðer biþ hǽþan, óþer gefullod, Ll. Th. ii. 144, 12-14. Heó wæs ǽryst hǽðen and wælgrim . . . þá gélýfde heó on God and onféng fulwihte, Shrn. 139, 4-7 : Hml. S. 7, 264. Astrias, hǽðen and hygeblind, Ap. 46. Hǽðen hildfruma, Jul. 7. Se hǽþena man, Bl. H. 223, 10. Þǽm hǽþnan cásere (Nero), 171, 29. Þæt hǽþene weorod, 221, 30. Eác wearð on Ispanie ꝥ þá hǽðenan men (the Moors) fóran and hergodan uppon þám Xpenan mannan . . . hí áweg ádrifan eall þet hǽðena folc, Chr. 1086; P. 221, 33-222, 3. Þén hié (the Goths) hǽþene wǽre, Ors. 2, 8; S. 94, 9. Heora fæder and módor [wǽron] hǽþena þá gýt, Hml. S: 5, 36. Hǽdne, Bl. H. 211, 20. Þǽr hǽþene men deóflum onguldon, 221, 3. Manige hǽþne men ungeleáfsume, 129, 24. Be þára hǽþenra manna fleáme, 203, 4. Of hǽþenum mágum gentilibus) parentibus">ethnicis (i. gentilibus) parentibus, An. Ox. 2416: Hml. S. 31, 13. Ꝥ man crístene menn of earde ne sylle húru on hǽðene leóde, Ll. Th. i. 304, 16. ¶ the part put for the whole :-- Þurl. hǽðene hand, Ap. 60. (a a) used specially of the Scandinavian invaders of England , v. (c), B. II. I a :-- Wit begétan ðás béc æt haeðnum herge mid uncre claene feó, Txts. 175, 4. Hié wǽl geslógon on hǽþnum herige (hǽþene here, v. l.), Chr. 851; P. 64, 22: 853; P. 64, 32. Hér hǽþne (hǽðene, v. l.) men oferhergeadon Sceápíge, 832 ; P. 62, 9. Ofslægen from hǽþnum monnum, 838; P. 62, 35. Ceprl gefeaht wiþ hǽþene men, 851; P. 64, 11. (b) not baptized :-- Ǽghwilc cild sí gefullod binnon nigon nihton . . . and gif hǽðen cild binnon .ix. nihton þurh gímelíste forfaren sí. Ll. Th. ii. 292, 6. Cild gyf hit hǽðen swelte. . . . Sé þe ofsleá his beam hǽðen . . . Hǽðen cild gif hit bið preóst beboden . . . and hit hǽðen swelte, 144, 32-35. Gif ungefullod cild fǽrlíce bið gebróhte tó þám mæssepreóst, ꝥ hé mót fullian sóna, ꝥ hit ne swelte hǽden, 352, 17. Cf. Gif hit bútan fulluhte gewit, 412, 24. (c) barbarous. Cf. (a α) :-- Hǽðen hreáfere [oþþe] flotman l wícing barbarus praedo [vel crudelis] archipirata, Hpt. Gl. 501, 32. (2) of monstrous beings. Cf. B. II. 2 :-- Hǽðenes hilderinces (Grendel's), B. 986. Hé (Grendel) feorh álegde hǽðene sáwle, 852. (3) of things, pertaining to non-Christian people, or to their religion and customs :-- Hearhlicre, þæs hǽþenan vel templicre fanatice, i. profani. Wrt. Voc. ii. 147, 38. Of hǽþenum gewunan apostatico ritu, An. Ox. 4920. Ic hine áwende fram hǽeth;enum gylde tó ðám sóðan Gode, Hml. Th. i. 468, 14. Tó þám hǽðenan temple getogen, Hml. S. 2, 384. In þǽre hǽþenan byrig, An. 1493. Hǽðnum horde, B. 2216. Heora hǽþenan gild wǽron ealle ídelu, Bl. H. 223, i. We lǽrað ꝥ man geswíce freólsdagutn hǽðen ra leóða and deófles gamena, Ll. Th. ii. 248, 11. [H]ǽðenra [bóca] indegitamentorum, An. Ox. 4442. On hǽðnum þeáwum dweligende, Bl. H. 201, 20. Hé offrode his lác þám hǽðenum godum, Hml. Th. ii. 482, 7. Hǽðenscipe bið I a man ídola weorðige, ꝥ is ꝥ man weorttige hǽðene godas, Ll. Th. i. 378, 19. (3 a) profane as opposed to sacred or Christian literature :-- Hé leornoðe grammatical, craeft and þá hǽðenan béc (cf. Shrn. 152, 11-18) oþ ꝥ þá hálgan godspel him becómon tó hande. Hml. S. 35, 15. B. as subst. I. of pre-Christian times. v. A. I. (1) of persons, (a) one who is not a believer in Jehovah :-- Hwurfon hæleð geonge tó þám hǽðenan (Nebuchadnezzar) foran, Dan. 434. Ðone ufemyston héton þá hǽþenan Saturnus, Angl. vii. 14, 122. Wé nú hǽðenra þeównéd þoliað, Dan. 307. Hǽþenra allophilorum (the Philistines), An. Ox. 881 : 5018. Hé hí on handgeweald hǽðenumsealde, Ps. Th. 105, 30. Hǽþnum, Bl. H. 171, 22. (a a) a a gentile">aα">gentile, in pl, the Gentiles. v. A. I. aα :-- Alle hǽdno (hæðno, R. ) l cynno middangeardes, Lk. L. 12, 30. Hǽdna l cynna, Mt. L. 12, 21. Þec gelegdon on láðne bend hǽðene mid hondum, Sat. 540 (cf. Lk. L. R. 18, 32). Cyningas hǽðna, Lk. L. R. 22, 25 : Mt. L. 20, 25. Gesald bið hǽðnum, Lk. L. R. 18, 32. Hǽdnum, Mk. L. 10, 33, 42 : Lk. L. 21, 24. Haedno gentiles, Mk. p.4, 15. (b) a believer who is not of Jewish nationality :-- Sume wǽron hǽðene (hǽdno summo, L., hǽðno sume, R. gentiles quidam) þe fóron ꝥ hig woldon hí gebiddan on ðám freólsdæge, Jn. 12, 20. Sæccendum hǽdnum (gentilibus) hine geseá uilnandum, Jn. p. 6, 14. (b β) any one not of Jewish nationality, in pl, nations other than the Jewish :-- Ofersuíðnesse hǽdno l hǽðinra (hǽðnana, R. , þeóda, W. S.) pressura gentium, Lk. L. 21, 25, On allum hǽdnum, Mk. L. 13, 10. Geláeded biðon in alle hǽdno (þeóda, W. S., cynn, R. gentes), Lk. L. 21, 24. II. referring to Christian times. (1) of persons :-- Nú se hǽþena ne con úre gyfe onfón si paganus (Penda) neseit accipere nostra donaria, Bd. 3, 24; Sch. 307, 16. Ꝥ hí gehǽlan þises hǽðenan eáge, Hml. S. 4, 151. Húsl sceal hálgum men, hǽðnum synne, Gn. Ex. 132. Hǽðene swǽfon dreóre druncne, An. 1004. Þá hǽðnan heora þá leásan godas him laþodan on fultum, Bl. H. 201, 30. Sé þe Godes bebod ofer-hogaþ, hé biþ on hǽþenra onlícnesse, 49, 13. Hé wæs crísten lǽce and hé eardode in hǽþenra midlene, Shrn. 125, 7. On hǽðenra gildum libban paganis erroribus implicari, Bd. 2, l; Sch. 109, 21. (1 a) of the Scandinavian invaders of England. v. A. II. 1 a α :-- Feallan sceolon hǽðene at hilde, By. 55. Þá hǽþenan for his geleáfan wurdon wódlíce yrre, Hml. S. 32, 113. Þá wunda þe þá wælhreówan hǽþenan on his líce macedon, 181. Under Norðmannum gebégde on hǽþenra hæfteclommum, Chr. 942 ; P. 110, 21. (2) of the devil. Cf. A. II. 2 :-- Heó þæt deófol teáh bendum fæstne, hálig hǽðenne, Jul. 536. hæþen,hæðen