
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hund-twelftig

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. as substantive [in which case the word may be treated as singular, v. l.) scill. , Ll. Th. i. 88, 7. Heó wæs hundtwelftiges fóta lang, Ors. 4, 6 ; S. 174, 17. Ánra gehwylc godweb hangað on hundtwelftigum hringa gyldenna. And ðæt æreste godweb is háten Aurum caeleste, ðǽm ðióstre ne magon cxxtigum míla neáh gehleonian, Sal. K. 152, 17-20. Mid hundtwelftigan scill. . . . mid sixtigan scillinga, Ll. Th. i. 342, 2 ; 410, 9. Be .cxx. (hundtwelftigum, v. l.) hída, no, 17: 198, 23. Gylde hé þám cynge hundtwelftig scillinga (scill. , v. l. ), 264, 12: 62, 5: 66, 16: 86, 17. Cómon tó ðám hálgan hundtwelftig manna, mislíce geuntrumode, Hml. S. 21, 318. (b) with units :-- Hundtwelftig scíra hé hie. de and seofon scíra, Hml. A. 92, 6. II. as adjective. (1) alone :-- Hé bodode húru hundtwelftigum wintrum, Wlfst. 206, 8. Mid . c.xx. (hundtwelftig, v. l.) scill. (scillingum, v. l, ), Ll. Th. 1. 110, 12. (2) with units :-- Mid óþrum fíf and hundtwelftigum his efenbisceopum cum aliis cxxv episcopis, Bd. 5, 19; Sch. 666, 24. III. where the governed or qualified noun is not expressed :-- Wæs ungemetlic wæl geslagen Persa, and Alexandres næs ná má þonne hundtwelftig on þǽm rǽdehere, Ors. 3, 9; S. 124, 21. hund-twelftig

Verwandte Wörter: Ors. S. 174, 17; or as plural, v. Hml. S. 21, 318]. (1) governing a genitive, (a) alone :-- Cyninges burgbryce bið . c.xx. (hundtwelftig,
