Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hús-ting
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- hús-ting
- n. A word taken from the Scandinavians [Icel. hús-þing a council or meeting to which a king, earl or captain summoned his people or guardsmen], a meeting, court, tribunal, apparently so called from its being held within a building when other courts were held in the open air. The word occurs in the following passages [Latin] :-- Debet eciam in Londoñ, que caput est regni et legum, semper curia domini regis singulis septimanis die Lune hustingis sedere et teneri, L. Th. i. 457, 36. Ad folkemoth vel ad husteng, 463, 11. Non on hustenge neque in folkesmote, 503, 3. Ad pondus Hustingie Londonensis, Chart. Th. 533, 10. It is found also in English :-- Mid hundeahtigum marcan hwítes seolfres be hústinges gewihte, 329, 22. Hí [the Danes] leaddon ðone biscop tó heora hústinga, Chr. 1012; Erl. 146, 17. hus-ting