
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - húsel

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

húsul, húsl, es;

n. The HOUSEL, consecrated bread and wine, the Eucharist :-- Ðæs hláfes wé onbyriaþ ðonne wé mid geleáfan tó húsle gáþ forðan ðe ðæt hálige húsel is gástlíce Cristes líchama that bread we taste when we believingly go to the Lord's supper, for the consecrated bread is spiritually Christ's body, Homl. Th. i. 34, 18. Hwí is ðæt hálige húsel gecweden Cristes líchama oððe his blód, gif hit nis sóþlíce ðæt ðæt hit geháten is? Sóþlíce se hláf and ðæt wín ðe beóþ þurh sacerda mæssan gehálgode óðer þing hí æteówiaþ menniscum andgitum wiðútan and óðer þing hí clypiaþ wiðinnan geleáffullum módum. Wiðútan hí beóþ gesewene hláf and wín ǽgðer ge on hiwe and on swæcce, ac hí beóþ sóþlíce æfter ðære hálgunge Cristes líchama and his blód þurh gástlícere gerýnu, ii. 268, 21-9. Ðæt húsel is Cristes líchama ná líchamlíce ac gástlíce ná se líchama ðe hé on þrowode ac se líchama ðe hé embe spræc ðá ðá hé bletsode hláf and wín tó húsle . . . and cwæþ be ðam gebletsodan hláfe Ðis is mín líchama and be ðam gehálgodan wíne Ðis is mín blód . . . Understandaþ ðæt se Drihten dæghwamlíce bletsaþ þurh sacerda handa hláf and wín tó his gástlícan líchama and blóde the housel is Christ's body, not bodily but spiritually; not the body that he suffered in, but the body that he spoke about when he blessed bread and wine for housel . . . and said of the bread he had blessed : 'This is my body,' and of the hallowed wine : 'This is my blood' . . . Understand that the Lord daily blesses, by the priest's hands, bread and wine so that they become his spiritual body and blood, L. Ælfc. C. 36; Th. ii. 360, 15-24. Ðæm folce húsl syllan Eucharistiam populo dare, Bd. 2, 5; S. 507,13. Hé frægn hwæðer hí ǽnig húsel ðǽrinne hæfdon. Ðá andswaredon hí hwylc þearf is ðé húsles . . . Cwæþ hé Beraþ mé hwæðere húsel tó interrogavit, si Eucharistiam intus haberent. Respondebant, 'Quid opus est Eucharistia?' 'Et tamen' ait 'afferte mihi Eucharistiam,' 4, 24; S. 598, 35-9 : L. Ælfc. C. 36; Th.. ii. 358, 16-38, 360, 5-15, 24-29. Tó húsle gán to go to the sacrament, Blickl. Homl. 207, 5 : 209, 6. Húsle gereorded ðý æþelan gyfle having been fed with the Eucharist, that noble meal, Exon. 51 b; Th. 180, 4; Gú. 1274. [The older meaning of the word is seen from the Gothic hunsl sacrifice; hunslian to offer; hunsla-staþs an altar, see Grmm. D. M. 35. The word is found in Icel. húsl : Swed. husl : Orm. A. R. O. E. Hom. husel : R. Glouc. hosel : Piers P. Chauc. housel : and for later use see Nares' Gloss.] husel