Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hwæt
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- hwæt
- adj. Quick, active, vigorous, stout, bold, brave :-- Sum biþ tó horse hwæt one is a bold rider, Exon. 79 b; Th. 298, 7; Crä. 81. Nis mon ofer eorþan tó ðæs hwæt ðæt hé á his sǽfóre sorge næbbe there is no man on earth so bold as never to have anxiety for his journey on the sea, 82 a; Th. 308, 16; Seef 40. Ne scyle se hwata esne ymb ðæt gnornian hú oft hé feohtan scule virum fortem non decet indignari, quoties increpuit bellicus tumultus, Bt. 40, 3; Fox 238, 10: Beo. Th. 6048; B. 3028. Hwatum Heorowearde, 4328; B. 2161. Hwate Scyldingas, 3206; B. 1601: 4111; B. 2052. Hý beóþ heortum þý hwætran they will be the stouter of heart, Exon. 107 a; Th. 408, 30; Rä. 27, 20. Ðéh ðe Sciþþie hæfdon máran monmenie and self hwætran wǽron cum Scythæ et numero et virtute præstarent, Ors. 3, 7; Swt. 116, 25. Ðone cræftgestan dǽl and ða hwatestan men ealles ðises middangeardes fortissimas mundi partes, 1, 10; Swt. 48, 6. Of ðǽm hwatestan monnum Germanie from the bravest men of Germany, Swt. 48, 14. [O. E. Homl. hwat, wat: Laym. whæt, wat: Ayenb. huet: O. Sax. hwat: Icel. hvatr.] DER. ár-, bearhtm-, bléd-, dǽd-, dóm-, flyht-, fyrd-, gold-, gúþ-, leód-, mód-, sund-, swíð-hwæt; and see hwæs, hwettan. hwæt